Variables at workflow level can be used to store information that can be accessed at any time during the workflow, when editing a node properties for example. Those variables will store data that come from user forms or that are computed by automation chains, using from their the WorkflowVariables[]
- Name and Prefix: You don't have to modify this.
- Add variable: Adds a new row on the variables table.
- Delete variable: Deletes selected variable. You can select only one variable at a time.
Table columns:
- Name: Used to reference the variables later.
- Type: The type of the value that is going to be stored. This type has an impact on the available widgets in the forms.
- Edit: Press this button to decide which field constraints to set for this variable.
- Multi-Valued: Check the box if we need to store multiple values of the same type on this field.
- Default: The default value of the variable.