The releases and tags tab allows to list each and every releases and tags that were performed on the project. It also allows to download the Nuxeo Package associated to a given release.
Releases Tab
A release is considered as a tested and validated version of your project. Once created, you will be able to use this stable version in production.

Delete: Deletes the release. This operation cannot be reverted.
Maven GAV: Displays the Maven coordinates so that you can add the release as a dependency on your Java project.
Download Package: You can download the release package and ask the administrator of the instance to install it using nuxeoctl
See the page Installing a New Package on Your Instance.
Tags Tab
In order to identify specific state of your work, you may want to tag any given commit. Once created, you will find your tag in the tags list on the Releases & Tags page, which will allow you to download, revert your working state to that specific tagged state, etc.

Delete: Delete the specific tag
Download JAR: Download the JAR
Download Package: You can download the tag package from this tab and then ask the administrator of the instance to install it using nuxeoctl
See the page Installing a New Package on Your Instance.
Revert to: Revert to the state in history where the tag is.