
Using Application Templates

Updated: September 11, 2020

Nuxeo University
Watch the related courses on Nuxeo University:
Expert Session on External Templates.

To import an Application Template:

  1. Go to Configuration > External Templates All the available templates are displayed. If this icon is displayed, the template is not compatible with your project target version.

  2. Click on Details to check what the template that you're interested in includes. A pop-up displays the list of all elements the template includes: definition of new documents, automation chains, icons, images, widgets...

    Application Template details
    Application Template details

  3. Click on Import this package.
  4. On the confirmation window, click on OK.
    A pop-up appears, indicating that the import was successful.
    Application Template Imported
    Application Template Imported
  5. Click on OK.
    The icon is displayed next to the imported template, indicating that this template has been imported. Your project is reloaded with all the template's features.You can now browse your project with the new imported features and edit them.
    If you modify something, Studio will indicate you that you broke some other configuration by displaying the errors, and you'll be able to adapt every dependent item. Also you'll be able to rename the imported features if needed.

Using several application templates
Some templates declare the same object. For instance two templates can declare the "Folder" document type. In that case, Nuxeo Studio will refuse to import the second template until you rename the previous object, to avoid collision.
Application Template Import Result
Application Template Import Result

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