
Nuxeo Marketplace

Updated: January 6, 2021

The Nuxeo Marketplace is the Nuxeo application store for DAM and ECM. It offers Nuxeo Packages that enable you to easily add features to your Nuxeo application. Create your own application by connecting to your existing systems, adding new features to your application or even make your package available to a wider audience!

Connect Marketplace
Connect Marketplace

The list of available packages is available to everyone, but only Connect subscribers can install them on their application, after they have registered their instances. As a Connect user, you can also comment on packages.

The Marketplace offers packages aimed at developers and other that provide new features to end-users. The list of all Nuxeo Packages is on the Marketplace.

Each package has a dedicated page on the Marketplace, that describes the feature the package enables, if there are prerequisites, etc. Here is the information available about the packages from the Marketplace:

  • Production state: Indicates if the package is approved by Nuxeo or is still in testing phase.
  • Certification status: Indicates if the packages has been certified by Nuxeo or not.
  • Vendor support: Indicates if the package is covered by Nuxeo Connect support contracts.
  • Type: Possible types are: add-ons will provide new features, hot-fixes provide corrections, and Studio packages install your Studio customizations in your instance.
  • Last version: Most recent version number of the plug-in.
  • Updated: Date on which the package was last updated.
  • Target platforms: Nuxeo applications on which you can install the package.
  • License: License applied to the package.
  • Categories: List of categories the package belongs to.
  • Rating: Comments on the package.
  • Vendor: Name of the person or company who developed the package.
  • Package dependencies: indicates if there are some requirements for the package to be correctly installed.
  • Hot-reload support: Indicates if the plug-in is immediately functional (i.e., no server reboot required).


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