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Recently Released Changes
Range Support for Marketplace Packages
Since LTS 2021, Nuxeo Marketplace packages support target platform ranges, allowing a released package to remain installable with a future version of the Nuxeo Platform.
This avoids re-releasing a new marketplace package when there is no code change. The application definition section of Nuxeo Studio now supports packages defined with ranges. You can refer to the package.xml documentation for further information about the target platform ranges.
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More information about released changes and fixed bugs is available in our bug tracking tool.
Previous Release Notes
Release Date | Summary |
October to December 2020 | Translation Keys used by Default in Studio Designer |
July to September 2020 | Automatically generated translation keys, interface for account management |
June 2020 | Improved layout blocks experience |
May 2020 | Widgets Drag and Drop Instead of Mode |
April 2020 | Improved Visual Layout Configuration Experience |
February / March 2020 | Custom icons support, security improvements |
January 2020 | Automatically switch to a new branch |
December 2019 | Layout Inheritance for faster layout configuration |
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