
July to September 2020

Updated: September 27, 2020

Released Changes

Self-service User Management UI

Administrators of an organization can manage their users along with their apps assignments directly from the dashboard. You can refer to our account management documentation for further information.

Automatic Translation Keys Generation

Whenever saving the following configuration:

  • Schemas
  • Page providers
  • Workflow variables and workflow node variables

Translation keys are generated automatically following a convention with a default label, to facilitate translating your application. Refer to our how to on managing translations page for additional details on how this feature works.

Other Noteworthy Mentions

  • In the automation chains editor, operation parameters description is now displayed (NXS-2493)
  • Schemas brought by facets are now displayed in the document type editor (NXS-3866)
  • Nuxeo Studio Designer does not generate the coverage, nature, subjects, expiration fields anymore (NXS-5897)
  • Designer live preview works again in our Firefox dev tools extension (NXS-6069)

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