
March 2019

Updated: September 11, 2020

Released Changes

Easier Search Configuration

Required Fields Mapping in Search and Listings Configuration

When configuring a UI element for a search or a listing, schemas and names coming from your page provider predicates and aggregates are prefilled to ensure a quicker configuration.

When updating the configuration of the page provider, a warning in Designer appears to inform you that you need to update the UI configuration as well.

Improved Default Configuration for Search Elements

Studio generates checkboxes instead of drop-down lists by default when drag and dropping aggregates in your layouts configuration.

Automatic Range Label Usage

When configuring range aggregates, if no translation has been defined, Studio uses their label by default.

[Impacting Change] Layout Blocks Scope Fix

Layout blocks no longer list all custom elements you created so far. Instead they contain specifically form layouts:

  • migrated from your JSF UI configuration.
  • created from the Studio user interface.

As a consequence, layout blocks that were created previously may no longer appear in the list. Note that this is just a visual change: they are still available in your project and you can keep using them. To display them in the layout blocks list again, all you need to do is to move them inside the UI/forms folder using the actions at your disposal in the resources tab of Studio Designer.

Override Default Web UI Configuration

In Studio Designer, click on a default configuration item to see how it is configured, and possibly tweak it. If you break anything, it is possible at any time to go back to the original configuration by using a reset button.

For more information, see How to Override Existing Contributions.

Default Theme Selection

Choose the theme to use by default in one click (NXS-4891).

For more information, discover How to Customize Themes.

Parameters Mapping in Search and Listings Configuration

When configuring a UI element for a search or a listing, search parameters are visible right away. The corresponding JavaScript expression benefits from autocompletion (NXS-5122).

For more information, see our use case.

More information about released changes is available in our bug tracking tool.

We Want Your Feedback!

Feel free to let us know how we could make Studio better for you!

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