Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Setting the Workspace's Dashboards

Updated: April 27, 2020

This add-on is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform 6.0. A SQL script is available to migrate your Social Collaboration data to non-deprecated document types. The script and its readme are available from GitHub.

The Social Collaboration module adds new dashboards to the user dashboard in the Home tab, which are specifically designed to enable the user to browse, create and share content without having to understand the hierarchical structure of the Nuxeo platform, the publishing process, etc. The social collaboration dashboards are:

  • The Collaboration root dashboard: the dashboard displayed when you click on the Collaboration tab. It gives an overview of the available content in the Collaboration part of the application. This dashboard can be customized by the application administrators.

  • The social workspaces public dashboard: the dashboard that is displayed to non-members of public social workspaces. Its purpose is to enable sharing of public articles (using the Public articles gadget) so that users interested in joining the social workspace to access more content can ask to join (using the Join Us gadget). This dashboard can be customized by the social workspace administrators.

  • The social workspaces private dashboard: the dashboard displayed only to the workspace members. It usually displays the Document library gadget which enables users to browse the content of the social workspace or search for content in the social workspace. This dashboard can be customized by the social workspace administrators.

The user Home dashboard is also automatically updated by the system to display some Collaboration gadgets and provide an overview of Collaboration activities (network mini-messages, your social workspaces, social workspaces news overview...).

Setting up Your Social Workspace Dashboards

Social workspaces come with default public and private dashboards. However, the administrators of the social workspace can customize the workspace's dashboards from the Document Management view, following the same steps as to customize their personal dashboard.

Setting up the Collaboration Domain Dashboard

The Collaboration domain also comes with a default dashboard, that the application's administrators can customize from the Collaboration view. They can change the dashboard layout, add or remove gadgets, move them just like they can on the user dashboard.




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