Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Participating to a Serial Workflow

Updated: April 27, 2020

Once the workflow has been started, users added on the workflow's roadmap can review the document and approve or reject it.

When they have a task on a document, users are displayed it on their dashboard in the "My tasks" gadget and in their home Workflow tab. They also receive an email to inform them that they were assigned a task on a document:

_A task on the document Document_Title was assigned to you or to a group you belong to. You can consult the document following this link: Document_Title_

The participants of a workflow can:

  • Edit the document: access rights to the document are temporarily modified by the system to enable the reviewers to edit the document if their rights didn't allow them to;
  • Approve the document;
  • Reject the document

Tasks assigned to a group

A task assigned to a group is displayed to all the members of the group. As soon as a member of the group approves or rejects the document, the task is completed and the workflow continues.

Approving a Document

Participants can approve the document when it's their turn, after the previous participant on the workflow has approved it. Participants automatically get Write right on the document for the time they have a task to perform on the document, if they had Read permission or no access to the document.

To approve the document:

  1. In your Home, click on the Workflow tab. The list of tasks you have to do is displayed.
  2. Optionally click on the icon to open the document in a new tab, consult it and edit it.
  3. From the Workflow tab, click on the Process button. The Validation task is displayed.
  4. If you think that you won't be able to process the task, delegate it or reassign it to another user. If not switch to the next step.
  5. Optionally, type a comment to indicate what you did on the document before approving it.
  6. Click on the Validate button. The task is not displayed anymore from the Workflow tab and the document. If you originally had read-only access to the document, you can't edit it anymore. The next participant can now review the document and approve or reject it.

Rejecting a Document

Participants can reject the document when it's their turn, after the previous participant on the workflow has approved it.

To reject the document:

  1. In your Home, click on the Workflow tab. The list of tasks you have to do is displayed.
  2. Optionally click on the icon to open the document in a new tab, consult it and edit it.
  3. From the Workflow tab, click on the Process button. The Validation task is displayed.
  4. If you think that you won't be able to process the task, delegate it or reassign it to another user. If not switch to the next step.
  5. Optionally, type a comment to indicate why you reject the document.
  6. Click on the Reject button. The task is not displayed anymore from the Workflow tab and the document. If you originally had read-only access to the document, you can't edit it anymore. The document is automatically sent back to the previous reviewer on the workflow, so he can edit it and approve it again.

When the document is rejected by the first reviewer, the document is sent back to the initiator, who can then either modify the document and resubmit it, or cancel the review .

Ending the Workflow

The workflow automatically ends when the last reviewer approves the document, and the document changes state if the initiator chose to do a validation review.

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