Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Mini Messages Overview

Updated: April 27, 2020

This add-on is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform 6.0. A SQL script is available to migrate your Social Collaboration data to non-deprecated document types. The script and its readme are available from GitHub.

The Social Collaboration module adds a micro-blogging feature, enabling users to share 140 character mini messages.

Mini messages are public and accessible from different places.

  • from your profile: users consulting your profile can see your mini messages, even if your profile is private;
  • from the user's dashboard: if the user displays the Mini Messages gadget on his dashboard and you are in his network, your mini messages are displayed on his dashboard;
  • the social workspace's dashboards: if the dashboard (either public or private) displays the Social workspace mini message, users that can access the dashboard can see your mini messages.

You can post new mini message from different places:

  • from your Home,
  • from the dashboards gadgets.


Mini messages cannot be edited.



Adding a New Mini Message

To add a mini message from your Home: From your home you can post new mini messages from your dashboard if it displays the Min Messages gadget, or from the Mini Messages tab.

  1. In your Home, click on the Mini Messages tab. Your latest mini messages and those of people in your network are displayed, with a form to add a mini message on top.
  2. Type your message in the text area. As you type, the number of characters left is updated.
  3. Click on the Write button. The message is saved and displayed under the text area. It is also available in the Mini Messages gadgets of your networks' members' and social workspaces' dashboards.

To add a mini message from a Mini Message gadget: In the gadget, the mini message creation form is displayed on top of the latest mini messages.

  1. Type your message in the text area. As you type, the number of characters left is updated.
  2. Click on the Write button. The message is saved and displayed in the gadget. It is also available in the Mini Messages gadgets of your networks' members' and social workspaces' dashboards.

Deleting a Mini Message

Only the author of a mini message can delete it. Mini messages can be deleted from the Home's Mini Messages or the Profile tab.

To delete a mini message:

  1. In your Home, click on the Profile tab. Your latest mini message are displayed in the Mini Messages gadget.
  2. Click on the Delete link displayed in the bottom right corner of the mini-message you want to remove. A confirmation window pops up.
  3. Click on the OK button. The mini message is immediately deleted and is not available anymore in the Mini Messages gadgets.

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