Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Creating, Editing and Deleting Content

Updated: April 27, 2020

This section describes the core document management features that are the creation, editing and deletion of content.

  • Creating Content — Documents can be created in workspaces, templates and folders only. There are several ways to create documents in the Nuxeo Platform, either from the UI using forms, using drag and drop import from your desktop, or creating them directly from MS Office or OpenOffice. This page focuses on the creation of documents through the Nuxeo Platform forms.
  • Working Using Drag and Drop
  • Editing Content — Editing a document means modifying its content (i.e. the attached file of a file document, the text of a note, etc.), or simply editing the title, description or any metadata of the document. You can edit documents individually using an edit form or apply modifications to several documents using the bulk edit form.
  • Desktop & Office Suites Integration — To ease office documents integration, Nuxeo proposes an integration between the Web UI and your desktop using Nuxeo Drive. Clicking on the "Open in editor directly (with Nuxeo Drive)" link will allow you to seamlessly edit the document as if it had always been on your desktop. See more details on the Nuxeo Drive documentation, in the section "Online Editing".
  • Deleting Content — To move a document into the Trash tab you need to delete it from the workspace content table.

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