Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Activity Stream Overview

Updated: April 27, 2020

This add-on is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform 6.0. A SQL script is available to migrate your Social Collaboration data to non-deprecated document types. The script and its readme are available from GitHub.

Activity streams are feeds that display the latest events done by users.


Social Workspace Activity Stream

The social workspace activity stream displays the latests events that occurred in the social workspace. It can be displayed on the social workspace's activity dashboards only.

User's Activity Stream

The user's activity stream displayed the latest actions done by the user. It is displayed on the user's profile only.

User's Network Activity Stream

The user's network activity stream displays information about what your network members do on the application:

  • which workspaces they join,
  • what documents they work on (in social workspaces and in the document management area of the application),
  • who they add to their network.

The network activity stream can be displayed on the user's dashboard and the Collaboration home dashboard, using the Network Activity Stream gadget in the Nuxeo category. It is also displayed on the Activity Stream tab of the user Home.

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