Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Creating Content

Updated: April 27, 2020

Documents can be created in workspaces, templates and folders only. There are several ways to create documents in the Nuxeo Platform, either from the UI using forms, using drag and drop import from your desktop, or creating them directly from MS Office or OpenOffice. This page focuses on the creation of documents through the Nuxeo Platform forms.

You need to have "write" or "manage everything" rights to create documents.

Creating a Document Using the New Button 

Creating a document using the New button enables you to select the type of document you want to create among all Nuxeo Platform's document types.

To create a document using the New button:

  1. In the Content tab of the workspace, click on the New button.
  2. On the window Available document types, click on the desired document.
  3. Fill in the document's creation form.
  4. Click on the Create button.

The Summary tab of the document is displayed.

Creating a Document Using the Import Button 

You can use the Import button to create a document in a faster way. Depending on the uploaded file type, the system will create a note, a file or a picture.

To create a document using the Import button:

  1. In the Workspace tab, click on the Import button.
  2. Fill in the Import window and drop the file(s) you want to upload, 
  3. Click on Import. The Content tab of the document is displayed. The document automatically takes the name of the uploaded file as its title. The document has no description. You need to modify the document to fill in this field.


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