Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Managing Access Rights in DAM

Updated: April 27, 2020

This add-on is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform 6.0.

Access to documents and the actions allowed are determined by access rights on the Asset library domain and the DAM folders. Some users will then be allowed to only read documents, when others will be able to edit documents or to manage folders and documents. The management of the access rights is done from the Document Management tab of the application, in the Asset Library domain that contains the DAM folders.

The DAM permissions are:

Right Actions in DAM
Read Consult content
Comment documents
Annotate documents
Write Import documents
Edit documents
+ Read actions
Everything Manage access rights
+ Write and Read actions
Remove Delete documents
Tip: The Remove permission is most intended to be denied, so as to restrict the actions available to users with "Write" permission.

To manage access rights on a DAM folder, you can :

  1. In the DAM tab, from an asset click on the icon  to go the DM view of the asset.
  2. Click on the icon  to go the parent folder of the asset that you want to set access rights on.
  3. Add or Remove access rights following the same steps as on a workspace.

You can also directly browse the the Asset library domain in the Document Management tab to the space you want to grant or deny access.

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