Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Managing Your Own File with LiveEdit

Updated: April 27, 2020

Nuxeo Live Edit is now deprecated, you should use Nuxeo Drive Edit, see Online Editing section of Nuxeo Drive documentation.

By default, we recognize default office files (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, ...) for Microsoft Office, and LibreOffice. But sometimes, you could be interested in managing other file types with Live Edit, and launching their associated editors.

With Internet Explorer

Recognized extensions are managed in the Windows Registry. They are simple string values, stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Accepted Documents and using this model:

In a .reg file, a new handled extension should looks like: liveedit_msoffice12_word_template"="application/x-nuxeo-liveedit;ext7=\"\".

The key is a unique name, and in this example, it is liveedit_msoffice12_word_template. The value is built like a MIME-TYPE: application/x-nuxeo-liveedit;extX="_FILE_MIME_TYPE_". In this example, the value is: application/x-nuxeo-liveedit;ext7="

Internet Explorer behaviour

With Internet Explorer, Live Edit will open the associated program and save the edited file into the Nuxeo Platform when the program ended.

Restart required

Do not forget to restart your browser after making changes.

See the attached file to enable all Microsoft Office extensions.

With Firefox

In the extension preferences form, you can directly add the editor / MIME-TYPE mapping. By doing this, it will be enough to enable a new extension.

Additional script

With Firefox, you just receive a file descriptor with the file URL and authentication information. You also need to add a script to download the file, start the editor and upload it when finished.

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