Nuxeo Server

Hotfixes Installation Notes for Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017

Updated: April 27, 2020

The purpose of this page is to describe the additional actions that need to be done when installing the hotfixes on Nuxeo Platform and that cannot be done automatically. The page provides an exhaustive list of manipulations for the installation of Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 hotfixes, but you need only to apply those relevant for your own instance.

When you are installing/configuring a new Nuxeo instance, the very first thing to do is to install the hotfixes. Because it will provide fixes on the Nuxeo launcher, on the startup wizard and on the templates, installing them immediately will prevent from encountering known issues.

How to Keep Your Instance up-to-Date

Hotfixes always have dependencies on the previous hotfix. So if you need to install several hotfixes, you can download only the latest one: when you install it, it will trigger the installation of the previous hotfixes.

Installing Hotfixes from the Command Line

The Nuxeo Platform provides a command to automatically install all the available hotfixes. From the command line, run the following command:

  • For Linux and Mac OS users:

    $ ./nuxeoctl mp-hotfix --accept=true
  • For Windows users:

    > nuxeoctl.bat mp-hotfix --accept=true

The parameter --accept=true automatically replies yes to any prompt, which makes the hotfix installation smoother.

While installing hotfixes, you will see the following message, but you can ignore it and continue.

Use of the <copy /> command on JAR files is not recommended, prefer using <update /> command to ensure a safe rollback. (nuxeo-launcher-8.10-HF01-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Installing Hotfixes from the Update Center

You can also download and install hotfixes from the Update Center in the Admin tab.The installation of hotfixes requires the server to be restarted to complete the installation: follow the manual installation and configuration steps required by the installed hotfixes before you restart your server.

While installing hotfixes, you will see the following message, but you can ignore it and continue.

Use of the <copy /> command on JAR files is not recommended, prefer using <update /> command to ensure a safe rollback. (nuxeo-launcher-9.10-HF01-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Instance Registration

Hotfixes released for LTS 2017 can only be used on valid, registered Nuxeo instances.

If you are using an unregistered LTS 2017 Nuxeo instance with hotfixes installed, you may encounter the following behavior:

  • A warning will be displayed in the logs during startup,

***** This Nuxeo instance is not registered *****
It can only be used for development and will be stopped if used in production
  • Over a certain level of use the server will be stopped automatically. When this happens, a message is displayed in the logs to inform you as well.

***** This Nuxeo instance is not registered *****
Stopping Nuxeo instance due to threshold exceeded (TOTAL_COMMITS > 100000) after failed registration checks

The current limits of use are:

  • 100,000 transaction commits
  • 10 concurrent sessions (a session correspond to an access to the core)

If the expiration date is close (less than 15 days), a warning will be displayed and indicate how many days are left before expiration. In the JSF UI, a message based on the Administrative message mechanism will be displayed: all users will be informed.

After expiration date, the following message will be displayed in the logs at startup:


***** This Nuxeo instance registration is expired *****
It can only be used for development and will be stopped if used in production

The following message will be displayed in the logs when Nuxeo will be stopped automatically according to the same conditions as described earlier:


***** This Nuxeo instance registration is expired *****
Stopping Nuxeo instance due to threshold exceeded (TOTAL_COMMITS > 100000) after registration expiration

How Can I Avoid This?
Make sure to register your Nuxeo instance: this can be done both for online and offline instances.

Could it Break My CI Chain? Do I Need to Register My Test Instances?
The level of use needed to stop an unregistered instance with hotfixes has been tuned to prevent any problems with CI chain tests. It would be possible to run the full test suite of Nuxeo server (both unit tests AND integration tests) several times before anything would happen.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to register your test instances, especially if you wish to test features that require heavy usage (e.g. load testing or mass import).

How Often Do I Need to Register My Instance?

Registration tokens are valid until your current contract's expiration date. When renewing your Nuxeo Online Services subscription, you should register your instances again.

I Have More Questions, Who Can I Ask For Help?
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team via a dedicated support ticket.

Hotfix 37

S3 Configurable Digest

The digest algorithm to compute a unique key when storing blobs in S3, can now be configured in nuxeo.conf:


Or, if a full XML configuration is used (necessary if there are several different S3 blob providers):

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.blob.BlobManager" point="configuration">
  <blobprovider name="default">
    <property name="digest">SHA-256</property>

The default is MD5. The valid digest algorithms are those available to the Java runtime, the standard ones are listed here for Java 8 and here for Java 11.

Hotfix 36

Performance Improvement to Load User Entities

It's possible to configure the Nuxeo Platform so that UserManagerResolver marshals User entities without fetching their references (by default, only groups are referenced). User entities are mainly used by the ACL enricher and metadata whose type is User. Enabling this behavior improves the duration to load the Permissions tab and Content views which display the creator, or the contributors (or custom User metadata).

To enable this behavior, use the following code:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
    <property name="nuxeo.usermanager.resolver.fetchReferences">false</property>

Hotfix 35

Sanitization of HTML Fields

Since HF35, any HTML field that is bigger than the configured max input size are replaced with the following message:

The input was too large. The specified input was 123,456 bytes and the maximum is 100,000 bytes. Please check with the server administrator to increase the maximum input size.

To increase the maximum input size for HTML fields, the administrator needs to contribute a new AntiSamy policy file that contains a bigger default than 100K. To do so, override the contribution HtmlSanitizerService--antisamy and provide a new antisamy-nuxeo-policy.xml file (see the default in antisamy-nuxeo-policy.xml) and update the value of maxInputSize.

Hotfix 34

New Metric on Works DLQ Usage

The hotfix 34 introduces a new metric that counts the Works in failure that has been put in the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) stream since the instance is up. When the counter is > 0, works in failure could be re-processed using the repair procedure described in NXP-27148.

Repair Work Failure

After retries, works in failure are stored in a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) stream named dlq-work. This DLQ is activated by default on both WorkManager implementations (default and StreamWorkManager). Works in this DLQ can be re-executed for a repair purpose using the following Automation operation:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation/WorkManager.RunWorkInFailure" -u Administrator:Administrator -H 'content-type: application/json+nxrequest' -d '{"params":{},"context":{}}'

This returns a JSON results with the total number of Works re-executed and the number that were successfully executed:


Note that, in cluster mode when NOT using Kafka, you need to run this Automation operation on each Nuxeo node.

Hotfix 33

Secured Properties

The following dublincore properties are now secured from edition:

  • dc:created
  • dc:modified
  • dc:creator
  • dc:lastContributor
  • dc:contributors

This means that you have to be administrator to edit these properties. In tests, you can do the following:

Framework.doPrivileged(() -> doc.setPropertyValue("dc:creator", "john"));


CoreInstance.doPrivileged("default", session -> {
    DocumentModel doc = session.createDocumentModel("/", "file", "File");
    doc.setPropertyValue("dc:creator", "john");
    return session.createDocument(doc);

To declare a property secured you can contribute the following:

<component name="" version="1.0">
  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="schema">
    <property schema="YOUR_SCHEMA" name="PROP_NAME" secured="true" />

You can also relax the constraint on a secured property, for example dc:creator with:

<component name="" version="1.0">
  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="schema">
    <property schema="dublincore" name="created" secured="false" />

Hotfix 31

Large ACLs with SQL Server

On SQL Server it's now possible to configure VCS to use an increased size to stored the Read ACLs optimization tables, which may be necessary if users belong to many groups (total size of group names + the user name + "Everyone" > 4000 characters).


Any value > 4000 will make SQL Server use NVARCHAR(MAX) instead of NVARCHAR(4000) for its internal datastructures.

On PostgreSQL this feature already existed (default to 4096) but was not easily configurable, the same configuration property can be used to increase the value. The specific value requested will be used (there is no notion of MAX).

Note that the use of a new value will only happen when the optimization tables are created, which can be done on a stopped server by running:

DROP TABLE aclr_user;
-- on SQL Server:
EXEC nx_rebuild_read_acls;
-- on PostgreSQL:
SELECT nx_rebuild_read_acls();

Hotfix 30

StreamWorkManager Configuration

It is now possible to use the StreamWorkManager implementation with large works that exceed 1MB when serialized. The value is stored outside of the stream, in an external storage. For now the possible storages are the KeyValue store and the Transient store.

Here are the nuxeo.conf options to use to activate this feature for the StreamWorkManager:

# Filter big work to be stored outside of the stream
# Above this threshold in bytes the record value is stored outside of the stream
# An alternative storage using the KeyValue store # TTL is only taken in account with the KV impl, for TS impl you need to configure TS garbage collector

When using the TransientStore its TTL (firstLevelTTL) need to be adapted so the record value is not garbage collected before the work has been processed. The option which is used by the KeyValue store implementation needs to be expressed in number of seconds.

Note also that this ability of using an external storage for large record value is not tied to the StreamWorkManager and can be used in any StreamProcessor.

DublinCoreListener Triggered on aboutToCreate

To allow 10.10 behavior (which fixes the issue where the first version of a Note or other auto-versioned document doesn't have a creator nor creation date), use the configuration:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
    <property name="nuxeo.dclistener.trigger-before-creation">true</property>

Quota Computation on Versioning

The behavior of quota computation and check has changed for versioning. Now we compute and check the quotas on the aboutToCheckIn event instead of computing the quotas on the documentCheckedIn one and checking the quotas on the documentCheckedOut one.

This behavior is disabled by default and can be enabled by overriding the nuxeo.quota.size.check.on.aboutToCheckIn property:


  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
    <property name="nuxeo.quota.size.check.on.aboutToCheckIn">true</property>

Orphan Version Cleanup

The orphan versions cleanup is now disabled by default, and can be re-enabled (if its performance is acceptable) with the following contribution:

  <extension point="listener" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.event.EventServiceComponent">
    <listener name="orphanVersionsCleanup" enabled="true" />

Hotfix 24

Recompute Missing Thumbnails

A new operation called RecomputeThumbnails has been added and is available for administrators to recompute the thumbnails, mainly the missing ones when errors occurred during conversions.
A sample call to this operation is:

curl -v -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"params": {"query": "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:mixinType = \"Thumbnail\" AND thumb:thumbnail/data IS NULL AND ecm:isVersion = 0 AND ecm:isProxy = 0 AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted'"}, "context": {}}' -u Administrator:Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation/RecomputeThumbnails

Date Format in CSV Importer

Dates in CSV files are using a legacy date format (without time information) MM/dd/yyyy.

However, it is possible to use the W3C date format, that supports time information, by setting the configuration property nuxeo.csv.import.legacyDateFormat to false:

<extension point="configuration" target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService">
  <property name="nuxeo.csv.import.legacyDateFormat">false</property>

More information on the W3C documentation.

Uniqueness in Transient Username

A new configuration property nuxeo.transient.username.unique is available to define if a computed transient username should be unique no matter what base username is provided, or if it should be always the same for a given base username.
Having always the same transient username for a given base username allows to generate only one token for a given email when giving permission to an external user: that means if you invite the same external user on 2 documents, he won't have to log out from the first document to see the second one.
It defaults to true for backward compatibility.

To disable the uniqueness of the transient username computation, use the following contribution:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="nuxeo.transient.username.unique">false</property>

Hotfix 22

Configuration for Elasticsearch RestClient Truststore

The following nuxeo.conf properties can be set to define appropriate TLS/SSL configuration for the Elasticsearch RestClient:

  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.path
  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.password
  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.type
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.path
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.password
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.type

The following properties are deprecated (they were misnamed and are actually referring to the trustStore, not the keyStore):

  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePath
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePassword
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystoreType

If a more fine-grained configuration is needed, the following extension point can be used:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchComponent" point="elasticSearchClient">
    <elasticSearchClient class="org.nuxeo.elasticsearch.client.ESRestClientFactory">
      <option name="trustStorePath">/path/to/cacerts.jks</option>
      <option name="trustStorePassword">changeit</option>
      <option name="trustStoreType">jks</option>
      <option name="keyStorePath">/path/to/keystore.jks</option>
      <option name="keyStorePassword">changeit</option>
      <option name="keyStoreType">jks</option>

Configuration for In-Flight Encryption of MongoDB Client Truststore

The following nuxeo.conf properties can be set to define appropriate TLS/SSL configuration for MongoDB:

  • nuxeo.mongodb.ssl=true
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.path
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.password
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.type
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.path
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.password
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.type

If a more fine-grained configuration is needed, the following extension point can be used:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.mongodb.MongoDBComponent" point="connection">
    <connection id="default">

Configuration for Kafka SASL and TLS authentication

The following nuxeo.conf properties can be set to define Kafka SASL and TLS authentication

kafka.sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 required username="kafkaclient1" password="kafkaclient1-secret";


Hotfix 21

New Seam Event

A new Seam event, mainTabsChanged, is thrown when switching between main tabs in the JSF UI. It is not used by default to avoid changes in the default behavior of one's application. A use case is to reset the document selection of a content view. It can be done with this contribution:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.documentsLists.DocumentsListsService"
    <documentsList name="CURRENT_SELECTION">

Hotfix 20

New Nuxeo AWS Service

A new template aws is available, to define the AWS configuration. When activated (which is automatically done by the amazon-s3-online-storage package), the following nuxeo.conf properties are available:

They are optional, and if not present the default AWS SDK mechanism for configuring them will be used (environment variables, Java system properties, local AWS profile, container-specific configuration (ECS/EC2)).
For more information read the AWS documentation regarding Credentials and Region.

Instead of using the template, the service can also be configured manually:

  <extension target="" point="configuration">

Hotfix 16

Protection from Local Filesystem CSRF Attack

The hotfix 15 includes a protection against local filesystem CSRF attack which is enabled by default. Unfortunately this protection has side-effects on other features, like hot-reload from Nuxeo Dev Tools extension or SAML authentication. Because of that, we decided to disable the protection by default, considering that the vulnerability is not critical.

If you need to be protected from local filesystem CSRF attack, then this contribution must be used:

   <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
     <property name="nuxeo.cors.allowNullOrigin">false</property>

Hotfix 15

Package Not Found

After installing the hotfixes with the command nuxeoctl mp-hotfix, you may fall in this exception when starting Nuxeo:

org.nuxeo.connect.update.PackageException: Package not found: nuxeo-9.10-HF14-1.0.0 nuxeo-9.10-HF15-1.0.0

You need to add the parameter --ignore-missing to nuxeoctl command to be able to successfully start Nuxeo.

Hotfix 13

Enable GWT Annotations

The GWT annotations are enabled when using the old JSF preview which is enabled by setting up the nuxeo.old.jsf.preview property to true.

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="nuxeo.old.jsf.preview">true</property>

Support of Read-Only Directories with SAML Authentication

Two new parameters are now available when configuring SAML authentication plugin:

  • userResolverCreateIfNeeded to create the user if it does not exist in the directory (default value is true)
  • userResolverUpdate to update the user if present in the directory (default is value true)

When set to true, both parameters require a user directory which is not read-only.

Hotfix 12

Jsessionid Management in URL

A new system parameter is introduced with the hotfix 12 to handle how the jsessionid is propagated during the use of the application. The default behavior makes Tomcat to append the jsessionid to the URLs, for example in a file download URL. It can be changed to configure Tomcat with the COOKIE session tracking mode. The following line has to be added to your nuxeo.conf to enable it:


If the COOKIE mode is set to:

  • enabled: the jsessionid parameter won't be added to the URLs. Yet, cookies need to be enabled in the browser.
  • disabled: the jsessionid parameter might be added to some URLs, for instance when sharing a document permalink to an anonymous user or when clearing the browser cookies. Yet, cookies don't need to be enabled in the browser.

Hotfix 09

Trash Flow

The Trash management is now available in Web UI on 9.10 but is disabled by default. The slot contributions below must be added to enable it.

<!-- Delete action on the current document -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="deleteDocumentAction" slot="DOCUMENT_ACTIONS" order="15">
    <nuxeo-delete-document-button document="[[document]]"></nuxeo-delete-document-button>

<!-- Trash tab to browse trash content of a Folderish -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="documentTrashItem" slot="DOCUMENT_VIEWS_ITEMS" order="40">
    <nuxeo-filter document="[[document]]" facet="Folderish">
        <nuxeo-page-item name="trash" label="browser.trash"></nuxeo-page-item>

<nuxeo-slot-content name="documentTrashPage" slot="DOCUMENT_VIEWS_PAGES" order="40">
    <nuxeo-filter document="[[document]]" facet="Folderish">
        <nuxeo-document-trash-content name="trash" document="[[document]]" provider="advanced_document_trash_content">

<!-- New drawer menu item to access new trash search -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="trashMenuButton" slot="DRAWER_ITEMS" order="100">
    <nuxeo-menu-icon name="trash" icon="nuxeo:delete" label="app.trashSearch"></nuxeo-menu-icon>
<nuxeo-slot-content name="trashMenuPage" slot="DRAWER_PAGES">
    <nuxeo-search-form name="trash" search-name="trash" auto
                       provider="default_trash_search" schemas="dublincore,common,uid"></nuxeo-search-form>

<!-- Make sure the legacy results selection action soft deletes -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="deleteSelectionAction" slot="RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS" order="30">
    <nuxeo-delete-documents-button documents="[[selectedItems]]">
<!-- And we have another one for hard deleting -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="hardDeleteSelectionAction" slot="RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS" order="30">
    <nuxeo-delete-documents-button documents="[[selectedItems]]" hard></nuxeo-delete-documents-button>

<!-- Add a new action to untrash trashed documents -->
<nuxeo-slot-content name="untrashSelectionAction" slot="RESULTS_SELECTION_ACTIONS" order="40">
    <nuxeo-untrash-documents-button documents="[[selectedItems]]"></nuxeo-untrash-documents-button>

Moreover these new operations are now available:

  • Document.Trash: this operation will put the input documents to the trash
  • Document.Untrash: this operation will restore the input documents from the trash
  • Document.EmptyTrash: this operation allows to delete a Folderish trash content permanently

A firstAccessibleAncestor Json Enricher is also available to get the closest document's ancestor used to redirect when deleting a document.

Forbidden Characters in Tag Names

In addition to the characters ' (single quote), \ (backslash), % (percent) and space, that were already forbidden in a tag, the character / (forward slash) is now also forbidden.

All these characters are removed at creation time and when we try to get a tag or update it.

Hotfix 05

Old Revision

You must install the last revision of the hotfix 5 for LTS 2017 and remove the revision 1.0.0

./nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-9.10-HF05-1.1.0
./nuxeo mp-remove nuxeo-9.10-HF05-1.0.0

Directory Entry Format in a Data Table

The suggestion widgets now initialize using the selected-item(s) property of the value one. This is needed to correctly display the entry in a data table by using its label instead of its key. It applies to nuxeo-directory-suggestion, nuxeo-user-suggestion and nuxeo-document-suggestion elements. If you manually use these widgets in a data table, you have to follow these examples:

  • Multiple suggestion
    <nuxeo-directory-suggestion role="widget" label="[[i18n('label.dublincore.subjects')]]"
  • Single suggestion
    <nuxeo-directory-suggestion role="widget" label="[[i18n('label.dublincore.coverage')]]"

Hotfix 04

Old Revision

You must install the last revision of the hotfix 4 for LTS 2017 and remove the revision 1.0.0

./nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-9.10-HF04-1.1.0
./nuxeo mp-remove nuxeo-9.10-HF04-1.0.0

Hotfix 03

CSRF Protection for Platform

CSRF protection is activated by default and based on the CORS configuration and its allowOrigin and supportedMethods parameters, which by default doesn't allow any cross origin.

To activate an insecure configuration that allows any cross origin, use:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.web.common.requestcontroller.service.RequestControllerService" point="corsConfig">
    <!-- THIS IS INSECURE -->
    <corsConfig name="insecure" allowOrigin="*" supportedMethods="GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,DELETE" >

This configuration may fix the error HTTP 403 - CSRF check failure. See the related documentation page for more information.

Evolution of the JSON Structure of the Task

Fetching a list of tasks now returns more information to the client side. When using the REST API, the JSON structure of a Task object now also includes:

  • the workflow initiator
  • the workflow title
  • the workflow lifecycle state
  • the graph route URL

Full Name Search in User Suggestions

The SuggestUserEntries operation performs a full name user search, e.g. typing "John Do" returns the user with first name "John" and last name "Doe".

The previous behavior (not returning any user when typing a full name) can be re-activated by using:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
    <property name="org.nuxeo.automation.user.suggest.fullname">false</property>

In any case, typing "John" still returns the "John Doe" user and possibly other users such as "John Foo". Respectively, typing "Do" returns the "John Doe" user and possibly other users such as "Jack Donald".

Old Revision

You must install the last revision of the hotfix 3 for LTS 2017 and remove the revision 1.0.0 which contained a SNAPSHOT JAR for the Easyshare module.

./nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-9.10-HF03-1.0.1
./nuxeo mp-remove nuxeo-9.10-HF03-1.0.0

Hotfix 02

Stack Trace in REST API Exception

The exception stack trace is written if the media type is application/json+nxentity but it can be disabled for security reason with the configuration parameter, which is set to true by default.

To disable it, use this code:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="">false</property>

Hotfix 01

New Searchable Property in Elasticsearch: ecm:versionVersionableId

With an Elasticsearch NXQL query you can retrieve all versions of a document by version series id. To search existing documents by ecm:versionVersionableId a re-index is required. This could either be done via a full re-index or a re-index of just documents that have versions, using this query:

SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:isVersion = 1

HSTS by Default

When HTTPS is enabled (which is the case if a non-0 value is specified for nuxeo.server.https.port), HSTS is automatically enabled with the following defaults:

  • nuxeo.server.hsts.maxage=2592000
  • nuxeo.server.hsts.includesubdomains=false
  • nuxeo.server.hsts.preload=false

HSTS can be disabled by specifying:


API to Recompute Quota for Tenant or User

A new operation is added to the Automation API to recompute quote for tenants or users: Quotas.RecomputeStatistics. It can be called with these optional parameters:

  • tenantId / username / path (only one allowed)
  • updaterName (defaults to documentsSizeUpdater)

Old Revision

You must install the last revision of the hotfix 1 for LTS 2017 and remove the revision 1.0.0 which contained a SNAPSHOT JAR for the Easyshare module.

./nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-9.10-HF01-1.0.1
./nuxeo mp-remove nuxeo-9.10-HF01-1.0.0

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All fields required