Nuxeo Server


Updated: April 27, 2020

Document-Based Storage is an architectural abstraction in the Nuxeo Platform that allows the storage of documents in a document-oriented store, for instance NoSQL databases.

The Nuxeo Platform supports the following MarkLogic version:

MarkLogic 8.0


Nuxeo Package Installation

This addon requires no specific installation steps. It can be installed like any other package with nuxeoctl command line or from the Update Center.


In order to run Nuxeo on MarkLogic, you need to have two databases. One for documents and another one for modules. You can achieve that with MarkLogic administration GUI under Databases.

By default Nuxeo stores its information in the database nuxeo. By convention we use nuxeo-modules as modules database.

XDBC Server Installation

You need to create a new XDBC App Server linked to the nuxeo database and nuxeo-modules modules, as described in the MarkLogic documentation. Main installation information is:

  • Set / value in root input.
  • Choose a server name and a port (for example 8010).
  • Select the nuxeo database in the database input.
  • Select the nuxeo-modules database in the modules input.

User permissions


In order to secure your database access, you can create new roles to protect it. Under Security/Roles, create:

A new role named nuxeo-reader, with:

  • Roles: rest-reader
  • Execute Privileges: xdbc:eval, xdbc:eval-in, xdbc:invoke, xdbc:invoke-in, xdbc:spawn, xdbc:spawn-in, xdmp:value, xdmp:with-namespaces

A new role named nuxeo-writer, with:

  • Roles: rest-writer, nuxeo-reader
  • Execute Privileges: any-collection, any-uri, xdbc:insert, xdbc:insert-in
  • Default permissions: add nuxeo-reader with read capability, nuxeo-writer with update capability and nuxeo-writer with insert capability


Under Security/Users, create a new user to use in MarkLogic connector to access to your database through XDBC app server. Choose a username and password, and add nuxeo-reader and nuxeo-writer in Roles section.


The MarkLogic connector needs some modules in order to properly work. These modules are used to update documents, lock/unlock them or search them (NXQL search).

A module is basically a regular document stored in the module database, here nuxeo-modules.

You can use the qconsole to insert properly modules in the modules database, you can access it here: http://[IP]:8000/qconsole/

Below the steps to insert modules:

  • Create a new Query in qconsole
  • Declare a variable containing the content of xqy file, like: let $module := '...'.
  • Declare a variable containing right permissions to execute module, like: let $permissions := ( xdmp:permission("[PERMISSION]", "execute") ).
  • Finally, insert the module in database, like: return xdmp:document-insert("[PATH]", text { $module }, $permissions).

You should have for each modules something like this:

let $module :=
let $permissions := (
  xdmp:permission("[PERMISSION]", "execute")

return xdmp:document-insert("[PATH]", text { $module }, $permissions)

See the matrix above for variables:

Module Content Permission Path
patch.xqy Here nuxeo-writer /ext/nuxeo/patch.xqy
set-lock.xqy Here nuxeo-writer /ext/nuxeo/set-lock.xqy
remove-lock.xqy Here nuxeo-writer /ext/nuxeo/remove-lock.xqy
extract.xqy Here nuxeo-reader /ext/nuxeo/extract.xqy


Once you installed the Nuxeo MarkLogic addon, set up the access to the MarkLogic server in nuxeo.conf. The following properties are available:

  • The MarkLogic server, defaults to localhost
  • nuxeo.marklogic.port: The MarkLogic XDBC App Server port, defaults to 8010
  • nuxeo.marklogic.user: The MarkLogic user to login to App Server, defaults to nuxeo
  • nuxeo.marklogic.password: The user password, defaults to password
  • nuxeo.marklogic.ssl: The SSL switcher, defaults to false, set it to true to enable ssl encryption to your MarkLogic server

SSL tunnel
The SSL mechanism relies on the JVM truststore. Your MarkLogic server certificate must be valid or you need to import your certificate into the JVM truststore.

The package installation added the marklogic template to your existing list of templates (nuxeo.templates) in nuxeo.conf.

You must keep the template corresponding to your SQL database in nuxeo.templates, because the SQL database may still be used for other things (directories, audit, etc.). For instance you could have:




Range Index Configuration

In order to properly work, MarkLogic needs a range element index for each elements you want to compare using <, <=, >= or > in a NXQL query.

We also use range index in order to query some elements. To leverage on range indexes, we need to use a different kind of MarkLogic function during NXQL -> MarkLogic query conversion. In order to enable this behavior, you need to add the Nuxeo element in repository configuration. You need to use range-element-index to declare a Nuxeo element to be queried with the range index behavior. The element name in repository configuration are the Nuxeo ones, for example we declare ecm:parentId in the repository configuration and we create ecm__parentId in MarkLogic. Below the default configuration of repository:

<extension target="" point="repository">
  <repository name="test" label="MarkLogic Repository">
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:id</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:parentId</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:ancestorIds</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:versionSeriesId</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:proxyTargetId</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:proxySeriesId</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:racl</range-element-index> <!-- Technical element -->
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:name</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:primaryType</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">ecm:lifeCycleState</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">dc:title</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">dc:created</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">dc:modified</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">rend:renditionName</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">rend:modificationDate</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">rend:sourceModificationDate</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">collectionMember:collectionIds</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">nt:dueDate</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="dateTime">dc:issued</range-element-index>
      <range-element-index type="string">webc:name</range-element-index>

Here's a list of basic Nuxeo elements needing a range element index:

Nuxeo Element (NXQL name) MarkLogic Element Scalar Type
ecm:id (ecm:uuid) ecm__id string
ecm:parentId ecm__parentId string
ecm:ancestorId ecm__ancestorIds__item string
ecm:versionSeriesId (ecm:versionVersionableId) ecm__versionSeriesId string
ecm:proxyTargetId ecm__proxyTargetId string
ecm:proxyVersionableId ecm__proxyVersionSeriesId string
ecm:__read_acl ecm__racl string
ecm:name ecm__name string
ecm:primaryType ecm__primaryType string
ecm:currentLifeCycleState ecm__lifeCycleState string
dc:title dc__title string
dc:created dc__created dateTime
dc:modified dc__modified dateTime
rend:renditionName rend__renditionName string
rend:modificationDate rend__modificationDate dateTime
rend:sourceModificationDate rend__sourceModificationDate dateTime
collectionMember:collectionIds collectionMember__collectionIds__item string
nt:dueDate nt__dueDate dateTime
dc:issued dc__issued dateTime
webc:name webc__name string
created created dateTime
replaced replaced dateTime
version-id version-id long
begin begin dateTime
end end dateTime
length length long

In order to create these indexes, go to your MarkLogic server configuration, under your database you'll find Element Range Indexes. In this section you can create a range element index for each elements with the correct scalar type. Leave namespace uri empty, set range value positions to false, and invalid values to ignore.

Storage Restrictions

Due to the nature of DBS, we use a transaction model equivalent to READ UNCOMMITTED, which means that a transaction may read data written but not yet committed by another transaction.

Full-text configuration is disabled, you should use Elasticsearch with a suitable full-text configuration.

Not Yet Implemented

The following features are planned for a later Nuxeo version but are not implemented currently:

  • tags aren't supported (NXP-17670)
  • querying n-th element of a list is not supported (NXP-21187)
  • NOT NXQL constraints such as item/* can return false positive (NXP-21184)
  • Range index querying is not supported on a date element

Related pages in current documentation

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