Nuxeo Server

How to Use Plug-Ins in TinyMCE Editor

Updated: April 27, 2020

In this how-to, we consider you already developed with Nuxeo Platform with the necessary commands in the deployment-fragment.xml to copy the web resources to $NUXEO/nxserver/nuxeo.war. As an example, we will explain how to install the textcolor plug-in.

Adding the TinyMCE textcolor Plug-In

The general procedure to make a new plug-in available is to apply the initialization code, provided in the plug-in documentation, to the tinyMCE#init method in tinymce_init.js.

  1. Go to the textcolor page, that provides the initialization code.

        plugins: "textcolor",
        toolbar: "forecolor backcolor"
  2. Copy the pristine version of tinymce_init.js under your project's src/main/resources/web/nuxeo.war/tinymce.

    In the sources of the nuxeo-platform-ui-web plug-in, TinyMCE files are under src/main/resources but it requires an extra command in the deployment-fragment.xml:

    <copy from= "nxwebplatform.tmp/tinymce/" to= "nuxeo.war/tinymce/" />

    Also, ensure you are requiring <require>org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui</require> to override the default file.

  3. Open your tinymce_init.js file.

  4. Copy the plugins argument of the textcolor definition and insert it in the plugins argument of your file.

    plugins : ["textcolor link image code searchreplace paste visualchars charmap table fullscreen preview nuxeoimageupload nuxeolink"],
  5. Copy the toolbar argument of the textcolor definition and insert it in the toolbar3 argument of your file. This will add the buttons on the third line of the TinyMCE toolbar.

    toolbar3 : "forecolor backcolor | table | hr removeformat visualchars | subscript superscript | charmap preview | fullscreen nuxeoimageupload nuxeolink",

    The resulting code is:

            width : width,
            height : height,
            mode : "exact",
            theme : "modern",
            elements : eltId,
            plugins : ["textcolor link image code searchreplace paste visualchars charmap table fullscreen preview nuxeoimageupload nuxeolink"],
            language : lang,
            // Img insertion fixes
            relative_urls : false,
            remove_script_host : false,
            toolbar1 : "bold italic underline strikethrough | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | formatselect fontselect fontsizeselect",
            toolbar2 : "paste pastetext searchreplace | bullist numlist | outdent indent | undo redo | link unlink anchor image code",
            toolbar3 : "forecolor backcolor | table | hr removeformat visualchars | subscript superscript | charmap preview | fullscreen nuxeoimageupload nuxeolink",
            menubar: false,
            // TODO : upgrade the skin "o2k7" with the new version
            /*skin : "o2k7",
            skin_variant : "silver",
            theme_advanced_disable : "styleselect",
            theme_advanced_buttons3 : "hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,|",
            theme_advanced_buttons3_add : toolbar, */
            setup : function(ed) {
              ed.on('init', function(ed) {
                loaded = true;

    And that's how the new icons will be displayed:

Using Hot-Reload

While the development mode is activated, you can use the hot-reload of the files located in $NUXEO/nxserver/nuxeo.war to test the customization of TinyMCE in live, without spending time in server restarts.

  1. In nuxeo.conf, set the property to true.
  2. Start the Nuxeo Platform and in a browser, go to the creation form of a Note document.
  3. Open the file $NUXEO/nxserver/nuxeo.war/tinymce/tinymce_init.js in your favorite JavaScript editor.
  4. Apply the needed modifications and save the file.
  5. In your browser, reload (F5) the page and observe the changes in the rich text editor.

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