Nuxeo Server

Trust Store and Key Store Configuration

Updated: April 27, 2020


Communications between a client and a server can be secured using TLS/SSL (TLS is the new version of the standard that was previously called SSL, but the term SSL is still wildly used). This security includes encryption, authentication of the server by the client, and optionally authentication of the client by the server.

In Nuxeo, the kinds of communications that can be secured in this manner depend on the services used. Among them one can find:

  • remote HTTPS servers with which Nuxeo needs to communicate (for example Nuxeo Online Services)
  • connection to Elasticsearch
  • connection to MongoDB (since Nuxeo 9.10-HF22)
  • etc.

Each time a connection is made to a remote server using SSL, the remote server's certificate is checked against the Trust Store of the client. The Trust Store contains a list of known certificates for various certification authorities. During authentication, the remote server presents a certificate signed by a certification authority (or a self-signed certificate) known by the Trust Store.

Optionally, the server can request that the client authenticate itself to the server by providing a client certificate. The Key Store contains the private keys for the certificates that the client can provide to the server upon request.

The JVM contains a default Trust Store that contains standard well-known certificates. This can be replaced globally by a custom Trust Store using Java system properties. And for Nuxeo services that have the capability, a specific Trust Store and Key Store can be used for this specific service.

Default Trust Store

The JVM contains a default Trust Store in:


This Trust Store contains all the certificates of well-known certification authorities. By default, the password for this Trust Store is "changeit".

It is not recommended that you modify this default Trust Store, given that it is shipped with your JVM and will be updated with it. Instead you could make a copy and add certificates to the copy, and use the section below to use this copy as your custom global Trust Store.

Custom Global Trust Store and Key Store

To set up a custom global Trust Store and Key Store, you just have to add the following system properties to Java:

What for Parameter name
Trust Store Path
Trust Store Password
Trust Store Type
Key Store Path
Key Store Password
Key Store Type

For instance you could add the following parameters to your JAVA_OPTS:






Adding Your Certificates to the default Trust Store

To add your certificates to the default Trust Store:

  1. Copy the default Trust Store.
  2. Launch the following command line to add your certificate to the copy:

    keytool -import -file /path/to/certificate.pem -alias NameYouWantToGiveOfYourCertificate -keystore /path/to/copy/of/default/truststore.jks -storepass changeit
  3. Set the trust store copy as your custom trust store.

  4. Restart your Nuxeo instance.

Service-specific Trust Store and Key store

For some Nuxeo services, it's possible to configure individually a Trust Store and Key Store without touching the global JVM Trust Store and Key Store.


Use the following nuxeo.conf properties (since Nuxeo 9.10-HF22):

  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.path
  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.password
  • elasticsearch.restClient.truststore.type
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.path
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.password
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystore.type

In previous versions of Nuxeo 9.10, you had to use the following properties for the Trust Store (despite their incorrect name):

  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePath
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePassword
  • elasticsearch.restClient.keystoreType

Before Nuxeo 9.10-HF22, it was not possible to configure the Key Store.

See the Elasticsearch Configuration page for more.


Use the following nuxeo.conf properties (since Nuxeo 9.10-HF22):

  • nuxeo.mongodb.ssl=true
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.path
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.password
  • nuxeo.mongodb.truststore.type
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.path
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.password
  • nuxeo.mongodb.keystore.type

See the MongoDB Configuration page for more.


If your Nuxeo instance cannot access Nuxeo Online Services anymore, or the Marketplace and hotfixes are no longer automatically available (through the Update Center for instance), this can mean that the Trust Store does not contain the certificates from the authority that signed the Nuxeo Online Services certificates, which are normally part of the default JVM Trust Store.

If you have the following error in your logs during the connection establishment: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

It means that the remote certificate is not trusted.

The following messages mean there is no Trust Store set for your JVM:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

or Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class:

This means you must have broken at least the default configuration.

If you have one of the following error, the remote server has been trusted but it asks for authentication and there is no key for that:

Received fatal alert: handshake_failure


Remote host closed connection during handshake

The following error can mean that a configured Key Store is not available: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class:

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