Nuxeo Server

Layout & Widget How-To Index

Updated: April 27, 2020

Title Excerpt Topics Level
3 - Develop with Nuxeo Platform Learn how to start working with Nuxeo CLI. Automation, Layout Intermediate
HOWTO: Add Field Validation - JSF UI Learn how to create a validator on a field with Nuxeo Studio and Nuxeo IDE. Layout, JSF, Validation Advanced
HOWTO: Add a JSF Form Validation Learn how to add a JSF form validation to a JSF component to validate a field. Layout, JSF UI, Validation Advanced
HOWTO: Add a New Widget to the Default Summary Layout - JSF UI Learn how to insert a new widget to the default Summary layout so that's displayed on all document Summary pages. Layout, JSF UI Advanced
HOWTO: Control the Display Mode of a Widget - JSF UI Learn how to be able to control the display mode of a widget. Nuxeo Studio enables you to implement your requirements using an expression when you configure your widget. Layout, Widget Advanced
HOWTO: Create a N-Level Select Widget - JSF UI Learn how to create a selection widget with 3 levels by contributing a "template widget" in Studio. Layout, Widget Advanced
HOWTO: Customize the HTML5 Drag and Drop Import with Metadata Form - JSF UI Learn how to customize the drag and drop HTML5 import with metadata form. Drag and Drop, Layout Beginner
HOWTO: Customize the Versioning and Comment Widget on Document Edit Form - JSF UI Learn how to customize the versioning and comment widget using XML extensions. These examples can be contributed in Nuxeo Studio (Advanced Settings > XML Extensions) or with Nuxeo CLI. Layout, Versioning, JSF UI, Widget Intermediate
HOWTO: Impact Another JSF Component from a Command or Select Learn how to impact another JSF component from a Command or Select. Layout, JSF UI Advanced
HOWTO: Make a Selection Based on the Value of Another Value in a Layout - JSF UI Use the extensibility features of the Select2 widget to make a selector which can suggest values based on a different widget's value Layout Intermediate
HOWTO: Set a Default Date on a Field at Document Creation - JSF UI Learn how to set a default date on a field at document creation using Nuxeo Studio's event handlers and automation chains. Layout, Event Advanced
HOWTO: Use a Generic Widget in Layouts - JSF UI Learn how to use a generic widget in Studio. Layout, Widget Advanced

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