Nuxeo Server

Configuration Parameters Index (nuxeo.conf)

Updated: February 15, 2021

The Nuxeo Platform reads configuration properties that you can set either:

  • In a nuxeo.conf file
  • By contributing to the Configuration Service
  • From the Setup tab in the Admin Center (if Nuxeo JSF UI is installed)

nuxeo.conf File

Nuxeo Platform reads configuration properties in nuxeo.conf file. Those parameters can be either environment parameters used by Nuxeo runtime or template parameters used for values replacement in configuration files. By default, the nuxeo.conf file is located in $NUXEO_HOME/bin. If you installed your application using the Windows installer, the configuration is located in %APPDATA%\Nuxeo\conf (check the page Where Are the Log and Configuration Files in Windows? for more information).

If you plan to use the application in production, you should move the configuration file outside the Nuxeo home directory, to make upgrades easier and more secured: your data and configuration won't risk to be overridden or lost.

For Windows users

Do not use Office writers, nor Notepad.

Wordpad is fine, Notepad++ and SciTE are good text editors, there are lots of other text editors.

Existing configuration parameters are listed in the index section below.

Admin Center / Setup Tab

This requires to have the JSF UI addon installed on your server.

Administrators can also change the nuxeo.conf configuration parameters from the Admin center.

To edit the configuration of the application using the Admin Center:

  1. Log in with an administrator account. Default administrator credentials are:
    • login: Administrator
    • password: Administrator
  2. Click on the Admin tab in the page header.
  3. Click on the Setup tab, edit the configuration you want to change and click on Save.
  4. If indicated as needed on top of the page, restart the server.

You can also take a look at the following pages for recommendations and examples:

Configuration Parameters Index

The table below lists the properties that you can set in nuxeo.conf. Properties that can be contributed to the Configuration service are available from the Nuxeo Platform Explorer.

Parameter Description Default value ("|" separates possible values) Since
JAVA_HOME Path to Java home directory. None.
If undefined nuxeoctl script will try to discover it.
JAVA_OPTS Optional values passed to the JVM.
Nuxeo requires at least 1024 Mo in JVM heap size and 256Mo as maximum permanent size (512 recommended).
Decreasing garbage collector frequency avoid having too much CPU usage (Sun Java specific options, recommended by JBoss).
-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  
launcher.start.max.wait In seconds. Maximum time to wait for effective Nuxeo server start before giving up (applies on commands "start" and "restart"). 300  
launcher.stop.max.wait In seconds. Maximum time to wait for effective Nuxeo server stop cleanly before using forced stop. 60 Possible values: true or false .
If true, will set = ${nuxeo.tmp.dir}.
nuxeo.log.dir Log directory (absolute or relative to NUXEO_HOME).
Linux recommended path: /var/log/nuxeo/...
log Directory where to store Nuxeo PID file. bin Data directory (absolute or relative to NUXEO_HOME). It involves all data not being stored in database.
Linux recommended path: /var/lib/nuxeo/...
nuxeo.tmp.dir Location of the temporary files. server/default/tmp (JBoss)
tmp (Tomcat)
tmp (Jetty) Since Nuxeo 5.9.4. Nuxeo Packages directory. packages Since Nuxeo 5.9.4
nuxeo.force.generation If "true", will force generation of configuration files; otherwise they are only generated when not existing.
If "once", will force one time and switch to false after successful generation.
If "false", configuration changes are ignored.
true | once  
nuxeo.templates Comma separated list of templates to include.
Templates paths are absolute or relative to $NUXEO_HOME/templates/.
Available templates: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, custom, ...
nuxeo.bind.address Server binding address. "" means "all available network interfaces".
WARNING: When changing nuxeo.bind.address, you must accordingly change nuxeo.loopback.url.  
nuxeo.server.http.port Server HTTP listen port. 8080  
nuxeo.server.ajp.port Server AJP listen port.
This is not available on Jetty.
nuxeo.server.jvmRoute Server AJP route for load-balancing nuxeo Since Nuxeo 7.3. Tomcat server's "admin" host.
This is the address on which the server waits for a shutdown command.
localhost Since Nuxeo 7.3
nuxeo.server.tomcat-admin.port Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6 and replaced by nuxeo.server.tomcat_admin.port. Tomcat server's "admin" port.
This is only useful if you have another Tomcat server running and want to avoid port conflicts.
8005 Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6
nuxeo.server.tomcat_admin.port Since Nuxeo 5.6. Tomcat server's "admin" port.
Replaces nuxeo.server.tomcat-admin.port. This is only useful if you have another Tomcat server running and want to avoid port conflicts.
8005 Since Nuxeo 5.6
nuxeo.server.tomcat_error.show_report Tomcat report displayed or not on Tomcat error page. false Since Nuxeo 9.3
nuxeo.server.tomcat_error.show_server_info Tomcat version info (as Tomcat server version) displayed or not on Tomcat error page. false Since Nuxeo 9.3
nuxeo.server.https.port Server HTTPS listen port.
This is only useful if you have modified the application server to use HTTPS.
nuxeo.server.emptySessionPath (Tomcat only) Since Nuxeo 5.5, until 5.7.1. If set to true, all paths for session cookies will be set to /.
May be useful to enable authentication on proxyfied WebEngine applications (see HTTP and HTTPS Reverse-Proxy Configuration).
Removed since Nuxeo 5.7.2 (see
false Since Nuxeo 5.5, until Nuxeo 5.7.1
nuxeo.server.signature (Tomcat only) Since Nuxeo 6.0. If set, this will replace the default value of the "Server:" HTTP response header. None Server name. Nuxeo 5.9.3-SNAPSHOT  
org.nuxeo.ecm.instance.description Server description. Nuxeo Product name, displayed in the page title on your browser. Nuxeo Platform  
org.nuxeo.ecm.product.version   5.9.3-SNAPSHOT Since Nuxeo 5.6, this property uses the "dev" mode when running the Nuxeo application. This parameter should not be set to true on a production server, as it disables some caches, and enables hot redeploy of some JARs (Studio JARs for instance). For more information about the dev mode, see How to do incremental deployment (hot reload) in the JSF-Seam layer. Before 5.6, setting this property to true stopped the runtime when an error occured at deployment. This behaviour has been removed from the dev mode and is now controlled by the property org.nuxeo.runtime.strict. false Since Nuxeo 5.6 Since Nuxeo 5.8, setting this property to "true" will display a quite visible warning message in the Admin tab, stating that this is a production instance. This is useful for administrators who are sometimes confusing their Nuxeo production server with their test server (not to rat anyone out). Since Nuxeo 5.8 false Since Nuxeo 6.0, you can enable this mode if you'd like to display exception stacktraces in JSON response when error occurs after REST calls. See Web Exceptions documentation to get modes description and examples. false Since Nuxeo 6.0
org.nuxeo.automation.trace Enable this mode if you'd like to display automation traces during runtime:
- You'll benefit from exhaustive logs to debug all automation chain and/or operation execution.
- The automation trace mode is disabled by default (not suitable for production).
- It can be activated through JMX via org.nuxeo:TracerFactory MBean during runtime.
org.nuxeo.automation.trace.printable By default, all automation executions are 'printable' (appear in logs) when automation trace mode is on.
- You can filter chain and/or operation execution trace printing by setting this property to chain name and/or operation separated by comma.
- Comment this property to get all automation chains/operations back in printing (by default set to (star)) Directory where templateName files will be deployed. server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear  
mailservice.user (JBoss only) User for e-mail authentication. nobody  
mailservice.password (JBoss only) Password for e-mail authentication. password
Server protocol parameters for e-mailing. pop3
mail.user User who will receive e-mail (unused in Nuxeo). nobody e-Mail server. localhost   anonymous   password  
mail.debug Enable debugging output from the JavaMail classes. false  
nuxeo.notification.eMailSubjectPrefix Subject prefix in Nuxeo notification e-mails. [Nuxeo]  
nuxeo.notification.eMailSigner Signer of the sent e-mail. The Nuxeo team SMTP gateway server. localhost  
mail.transport.port e-Mail server port. 25 (without authentication)
587 (with authentication)
465 (SSL)
mail.transport.usetls Use TLS for the SMTP connection. false  
mail.transport.auth   true  
mail.transport.user   anonymous  
mail.transport.password   password  
mail.from The e-mail address will be sent from. [email protected] Database name. nuxeo | NUXEO  
nuxeo.db.user Database username. sa | nuxeo  
nuxeo.db.password Database password. (empty value) | password Database host URL. localhost  
nuxeo.db.port Database host port. 3700 (DB2)
5432 (PostgreSQL)
3306 (MySQL)
1521 (Oracle)
1433 (MSSQL)
nuxeo.db.jdbc.url Database JDBC connection URL for Nuxeo datasources, for instance jdbc:postgresql://${}:${nuxeo.db.port}/${}. (database-dependent)  
nuxeo.db.validationQuery Database validation query, a SELECT statement used to check connections before using them, usually SELECT 1. Using this has a noticeable speed impact but makes connections resilient to network or sever problems.    
nuxeo.db.min-pool-size Database minimum pool size for Nuxeo datasources. 5  
nuxeo.db.max-pool-size Database maximum pool size for Nuxeo datasources. 20 (JBoss)
100 (Tomcat)
nuxeo.db.idle-timeout-minutes Since Nuxeo 6.0. Database timeout after which connections not in use are removed from the pool. 5 Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.db.xaMode Enable XA mode (required if multiple datasources configured) false  
nuxeo.vcs.min-pool-size Database minimum pool size for Nuxeo repository (VCS). 0  
nuxeo.vcs.max-pool-size Database maximum pool size for Nuxeo repository (VCS). 20  
nuxeo.vcs.blocking-timeout-millis Since Nuxeo 5.8. Database maximum wait time to get a connection from the pool when all connections are in use, for Nuxeo repository (VCS). 100 Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.vcs.idle-timeout-minutes Since Nuxeo 5.8. Database timeout after which connections not in use are removed from the pool, for Nuxeo repository (VCS). 10 Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.vcs.fulltext.disabled Since Nuxeo 5.8. Whether full text indexing and querying should be completely disabled in the repository. See VCS for details. false Since Nuxeo 5.8 Since Nuxeo 6.0. Full text querying from VCS (database backend) is disabled, full text extraction is done. See VCS for details. false Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.vcs.fulltext.analyzer.language Since Nuxeo 7.3. Full text analyzer language. Only applies to postgresql and mssql database types (see nuxeo.db.type). english Since Nuxeo 7.3
nuxeo.vcs.noddl Since Nuxeo 5.8. Where DDL generation should be disabled in the repository. See VCS for details. false Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.vcs.ddlmode Since Nuxeo 7.10-HF01and Nuxeo 8.1. What kind of DDL generation is done. See VCS for details. execute Since Nuxeo 7.10-HF01 and Nuxeo 8.1
nuxeo.vcs.idtype Since Nuxeo 5.8. The type of id column. See VCS for details. varchar Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.vcs.copy.findFreeName.disabled Since Nuxeo 7.3. Set to true to disable free-name detection and let the database raise a constraint error in case of collisions if the constraints have been added by hand. false Since Nuxeo 7.3
nuxeo.url Application URL (without final slash), should be the public URL of your server (i.e.:
It is also used for emails sent out and to detect images in HTML documents when converting to PDF.
nuxeo.loopback.url Nuxeo URL, for connections from Nuxeo to itself (theme banks default). The port should be the same as nuxeo.server.http.port.
If not explicitly configured, the loop back URL is generated from nuxeo.bind.address, nuxeo.server.http.port and org.nuxeo.ecm.contextPath values.
org.nuxeo.ecm.contextPath Application context path.
Note: Changing this parameter is not enough. See How to Change Context Path
jod.connection.protocol OpenOffice Connection protocol, either PIPE or SOCKET. SOCKET  
jod.max.tasks.per.process Maximum task per Office instance before restarting it. 200  
jod.task.execution.timeout Will stop the task if it s not completed after timeout. 120000  
jod.task.queue.timeout Will stop looking for the next task in the queue after timeout. 30000 Home directory of OpenOffice or LibreOffice. When running in SOCKET mode, comma-separated list of ports used for the office connection. 2003 When running in PIPE mode, comma-separated list of pipe names used for the office connection.    
jod.jpipe.lib.path Path to Jpipe library. Only used when connecting to OO through PIPE.    
jod.template.profile.dir Path to custom OO template directory.    
repository.clustering.enabled Activate clustering mode. false Since Nuxeo 7.3. The cluster node id for this Nuxeo instance. The id must be an integer for all databases, unless you are using Oracle which accepts a string (See NXP-17180).   Since Nuxeo 7.3
repository.clustering.delay When clustering is activated, defines the delay during which invalidations don't need to be processed (expressed in milliseconds). 1000  
repository.clustering.invalidation Allows the configuration of VCS cluster invalidations. The value default uses VCS. Since Nuxeo 8.1 you can use redis to specify Redis-based invalidations. default Defines the folder where binaries are stored. Useful when using clustering or to change the location of binaries to another location.    
nuxeo.core.binarymanager Custom class for the Binary Manager, to replace the default file-base storage.    
nuxeo.core.binarymanager_key Since Nuxeo 6.0. Key configuration for the binary manager, if applicable.   Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.templates.parsing.extensions Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6. Files extensions being parsed for parameters replacement when copying templates. xml,properties Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6
nuxeo.plaintext_parsing_extensions Since Nuxeo 5.6. Files extensions being parsed for parameters replacement when copying templates. xml,properties Since Nuxeo 5.6
org.nuxeo.ecm.jboss.configuration JBoss configuration to use (default, minimal, all, ...)
Pay attention to the fact that this won't apply to templates defining their own value (for instance, "default" template sets without being aware of org.nuxeo.ecm.jboss.configuration value).
zip.entry.encoding Choose how to encode filename when exporting documents to zip in the worklist.
Since Nuxeo 7.1, the ZIP entries names are encoded in UTF8 by default. If you want to get the old behavior back (having entry name encoded in ascii), use zip.entry.encoding=ascii.
  Modified since Nuxeo 7.1
org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.liveedit.autoversioning   none,minor,major  
nuxeo.wizard.done If set to false, will start a setup wizard before starting Nuxeo. true or false depending on the package HTTP proxy host.    
nuxeo.http.proxy.port HTTP proxy port.    
nuxeo.http.proxy.login HTTP proxy login.    
nuxeo.http.proxy.password HTTP proxy password. NT Lan Manager (NTLM) Proxy. Host name of the Windows machine running the Nuxeo server.    
nuxeo.http.proxy.ntlm.domain NT Lan Manager (NTLM) Proxy. Domain name to authenticate against.    
nuxeo.http.proxy.pac.url Since Nuxeo 5.9.3. Proxy auto-config (PAC) file URL.   Since Nuxeo 5.9.3
facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD Indicates to the compiler the number of seconds to wait between subsequent checks for changes in modified JSF facelets in a running application. Useful for facelet debugging.
To disable this compiler check use a value of -1 which is a recommended value for production deployments as compiler checks have an impact on application performance.
Since Nuxeo 5.6, the parameter undefined should be used instead as it forces this parameter to value "2".
nuxeo.db.transactiontimeout Database transaction timeout in seconds (available for Tomcat server only) 300  
server.status.key Secure key for connecting to server status monitoring servlet. It is randomly generated if not set.
It is also used by default for sensitive configuration data encryption, see server.crypt.secretkey.
session.timeout Session timeout (see web.xml session-timeout). 60  
session.config.tracking.mode.cookie Session tracking mode.
If true, prevents Tomcat from appending the jsessionid parameter to the URLs, for example a file download URL. Yet, cookies need to be enabled in the browser.
Otherwise, the jsessionid parameter might be appended to some URLs, for instance when sharing a document permalink to an anonymous user or when clearing the browser's cookies. Yet, cookies don't need to be enabled in the browser.
false Since Nuxeo 9.10-HF12
nuxeo.updatecenter.disabled Disables the Update Center feature. false (unset)  
org.nuxeo.big.file.size.limit Redirects onto the big file download URL if size exceeds limit. 5Mi (unset)  
Disables login synchronization. false (unset)  
nuxeo.wizard.packages.url Defines the base URL used by the Setup Wizard to get the packages.xml file describing the available software packages options.    
nuxeo.wizard.skippedpages Comma separated list of pages that should be skipped inside the wizard. null  
nuxeo.jsf. numberOfConversationsInSession Since Nuxeo 5.7.2, Parameter to control the number of conversation states that are saved in session. Each conversation holds a number of view states that is defined by nuxeo.jsf.numberOfViewsInSession 4 Since Nuxeo 5.7.2
nuxeo.jsf.numberOfViewsInSession Since Nuxeo 5.7.2 (5.6-HF20) Parameter to control the JSF init parameter com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession 4 Since Nuxeo 5.7.2
nuxeo.jsf.numberOfLogicalViews Since Nuxeo 5.7.2 (5.6-HF20) Parameter to control the JSF init parameter com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews 4 Since Nuxeo 5.7.2
nuxeo.jsf.tmp.dir Since Nuxeo 6.0. Faces Servlet multi-part config: an absolute path to a directory on the file system. The location attribute does not support a path relative to the application context. This location is used to store files temporarily while the parts are processed or when the size of the file exceeds the specified fileSizeThreshold setting. The default location is "". nuxeo.tmp.dir (unset) Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.jsf.maxFileSize Since Nuxeo 6.0. Faces Servlet multi-part config: the maximum size allowed for uploaded files, in bytes. The default size is unlimited. -1 (unlimited) (unset) Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.jsf.maxRequestSize Since Nuxeo 6.0. Faces Servlet multi-part config: the maximum size allowed for a multipart/form-data request, in bytes. The default size is unlimited. -1 (unlimited) (unset) Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.jsf.fileSizeThreshold Since Nuxeo 6.0. Faces Servlet multi-part config: The file size in bytes after which the file will be temporarily stored on disk. The default size is 0 bytes. 0 (unset) Since Nuxeo 6.0
nuxeo.vcs.use-nulls-last-on-desc Since Nuxeo 5.8. Ask the database to use "NULLS LAST" when sorting DESC. True by default to get the same result order between different databases.
Also turning this option to false enable PostgreSQL and Oracle to use an index on the sorted column which can be huge performance improvement.
true (unset) Since Nuxeo 5.8
org.nuxeo.connect.connector.cache.duration Since Nuxeo 5.6. Nuxeo Packages list cache (in minutes). 60min (5min for Studio packages) Since Nuxeo 5.6
org.nuxeo.connect.server.reachable Since Nuxeo 5.7. Launcher online/offline mode for connections to Nuxeo Connect. true Since Nuxeo 5.7
org.nuxeo.connect.url Nuxeo Connect URL. Enable/Disable multi-line strings escaped with a trailing \ when using Document.Update or Workflow.SetWorkflowVariables Automation operations. false  
org.nuxeo.cmis.joins Since Nuxeo 6.0. When true, CMISQL JOINs are allowed if VCS is used. false Since Nuxeo 6.0
org.nuxeo.cmis.proxies If false, proxies are not visible through CMIS. Cannot be true if org.nuxeo.cmis.joins is true. true Since Nuxeo 7.10-HF08 and Nuxeo 8.3
org.nuxeo.cmis.enableComplexProperties Since Nuxeo 7.1. When true, complex properties are exposed as JSON-encoded strings. false Since Nuxeo 7.1 Since Nuxeo 6.0. When true, enables adding negative ACL (deny permissions) in the UI, otherwise only grant permissions are available. false Since Nuxeo 6.0
audit.elasticsearch.enabled Since Nuxeo 7.3. See Disabling Elasticsearch for Audit Logs.
Defaults to false on server upgrade, true on new install.
false | true Since Nuxeo 7.3
audit.elasticsearch.indexName Name of the Elasticsearch index for audit logs. ${elasticsearch.indexName}-audit Since Nuxeo 7.10
seqgen.elasticsearch.indexName Name of the Elasticsearch index for the uid sequencer. ${elasticsearch.indexName}-uidgen Since Nuxeo 7.10
audit.elasticsearch.migration Since Nuxeo 7.3. See Triggering SQL to Elasticsearch Audit Logs Migration false Since Nuxeo 7.3
audit.elasticsearch.migration.batchSize Since Nuxeo 7.3. See Triggering SQL to Elasticsearch Audit Logs Migration 1000 Since Nuxeo 7.3
elasticsearch.httpReadOnly.baseUrl Required when using a standalone Elasticsearch instance. See Elasticsearch Passthrough http://localhost:9200/ Since Nuxeo 7.10
org.nuxeo.cmis.elasticsearch Since Nuxeo 7.2. To send the CMISQL queries to Elasticsearch, set to true. false Since Nuxeo 7.2
nuxeo.redis.enabled Set to true to activate Redis. false Since Nuxeo 5.8   redishost Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.redis.port   6379 Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.redis.password     Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.redis.database   0 Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.redis.timeout   2000 Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.redis.maxTotal The maximum size of the Redis connections pool. 16 Since Nuxeo 8.2
nuxeo.redis.maxIdle The maximum number of Redis idle connections in the pool. 8 Since Nuxeo 8.2
nuxeo.redis.prefix This allows you to use a single Redis server between several Nuxeo cluster installations by having a different prefix for each cluster. See the page Redis Configuration for more details. nuxeo: Since Nuxeo 5.8
nuxeo.routing.enforceGlobalVariablesAssignmentCheck Enforce workflow global variable assignment check. See NXP-26630 for more details. false Only for Nuxeo 8.10 (since HF43) and 9.10 (since HF38)
server.crypt.secretkey Custom secret key used for sensitive configuration data encryption. It takes either a raw value or an URL (e.g. file:///path/to/secretkey or ${server.status.key} Since Nuxeo 7.4
server.crypt.keystore.path Path to the keystore to use for sensitive configuration data encryption. ${} Since Nuxeo 7.4
server.crypt.keystore.pass The password used to protect the integrity of the keystore contents. ${"changeit"} Since Nuxeo 7.4
server.crypt.keyalias The alias prefix where to retrieve the secret key from the keystore. It is automatically suffixed with the algorithm ("AES" or "DES").   Since Nuxeo 7.4 This parameter can be used to replace the nuxeo-virtual-host request header (usually when using HTTPS) when it is not possible to set it at the reverse-proxy level.
The use of the header is still preferred as the parameter forces your Nuxeo instance to be accessible from one URL only.
  Since Nuxeo 7.4
elasticsearch.enabled Switch to enable/disable Elasticsearch usage true Since 6.0
elasticsearch.client Choose between TransportClient and RestClient protocols TransportClient Since 9.3
elasticsearch.indexName Name of the Elasticsearch index for the default document repository nuxeo  
elasticsearch.addressList For TransportClient protocol a comma separated list of Elasticsearch node host:port. For RestClient protocol a comma separated list of URL. If empty an in JVM embedded Elasticsearch node is used, the embedded node is only for testing and it is not supported for production.    
elasticsearch.clusterName Name of the Elasticsearch cluster to join when using a TranportClient protocol nuxeoCluster  
elasticsearch.indexNumberOfReplicas Number of replicas (not for local node) 1  
elasticsearch.indexNumberOfShards Number of shards (not for local node) 5  
elasticsearch.nodeName Name of the local node nuxeoNode  
elasticsearch.httpEnabled Does the local node accept HTTP request on port 9200 false  
elasticsearch.override.pageproviders Comma separated list of CorePageProvider names to supersede by Elasticsearch default_search,DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_SUGGESTION  
elasticsearch.reindex.bucketReadSize Reindexing option, number of documents to process per worker 500  
elasticsearch.reindex.bucketWriteSize Reindexing option, number of documents to submit to Elasticsearch per bulk command 100  
elasticsearch.indexing.maxThreads Maximum size of the indexing thread pool 4  
elasticsearch.indexing.clearCompletedAfterSeconds Time to keep the completed indexing worker states 90  
elasticsearch.adminCenter.displayClusterInfo Display Elasticsearch cluster and nodes information in the admin center @since 6.0-HF06, always true for embedded mode false  
elasticsearch.reindex.onStartup Reindex the repository content on startup if the index is empty false  
elasticsearch.restClient.connectionTimeoutMs A timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established 30000 Since 9.10
elasticsearch.restClient.socketTimeoutMs A maximum period, in milliseconds, of inactivity between two consecutive data packets 20000 Since 9.10
elasticsearch.restClient.username A username for client basic authentication   Since 9.10-HF01
elasticsearch.restClient.password A password for client basic authentication   Since 9.10-HF01
elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePath A path to a valid keystore   Since 9.10-HF01
elasticsearch.restClient.keystorePassword The keystore password   Since 9.10-HF01
elasticsearch.restClient.keystoreType The type of keystore, e.g. jks Default Java system keystore type Since 9.10-HF01 Type of directory, used for LDAP or multi-directory configuration. Possible values are default, ldap, multi. default Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.anonymous.enable When LDAP is enabled and this parameter is set to true, allows anonymous login with Guest user false Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.emergency.enable When LDAP is enabled and this parameter is set to true, declares an emergency user to connect to Nuxeo in case of LDAP issues false Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.emergency.username The username of emergency user when nuxeo.user.emergency.enable is set to true MyAdministrator Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.emergency.password The password of emergency user when nuxeo.user.emergency.enable is set to true secret Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.emergency.firstname The firstname of emergency user when nuxeo.user.emergency.enable is set to true   Since 6.0
nuxeo.user.emergency.lastname The lastname of emergency user when nuxeo.user.emergency.enable is set to true   Since 6.0
nuxeo.picture.migration.enabled When set to false allows to disable the picture migration that is run on startup and that can be slow on big volume. true Since 8.10
nuxeo.dbs.cache.enabled Whether or not the cache is enabled true Since 8.10-HF01
nuxeo.dbs.cache.concurrencyLevel Guava cache parameter: Guides the allowed concurrency among update operations. Used as a hint for internal sizing. The table is internally partitioned to try to permit the indicated number of concurrent updates without contention. Because assignment of entries to these partitions is not necessarily uniform, the actual concurrency observed may vary. Ideally, you should choose a value to accommodate as many threads as will ever concurrently modify the table. Using a significantly higher value than you need can waste space and time, and a significantly lower value can lead to thread contention. But overestimates and underestimates within an order of magnitude do not usually have much noticeable impact. A value of one permits only one thread to modify the cache at a time, but since read operations and cache loading computations can proceed concurrently, this still yields higher concurrency than full synchronization. 10 Since 8.10-HF01
nuxeo.dbs.cache.maxSize The maximum size of DBS cache 1000 Since 8.10-HF01
nuxeo.dbs.cache.ttl The expire after write value in minutes 10 Since 8.10-HF01
kafka.enabled Switch the default Stream configuration to Apache Kafka false Since 9.3
kafka.zkServers host:port comma separated list of Kafka Zookeepers localhost:2181 Since 9.3
kafka.bootstrap.servers host:port comma separated list of Kafka Brokers localhost:9092 Since 9.3
kafka.topicPrefix The prefix applied to any Kafka Topic nuxeo- Since 9.3 Maximum time to wait for a response 65000 Since 9.3 Maximum delay between poll invocation 60000 Since 9.3
kafka.max.poll.records Maximum number of records to read per poll 2 Since 9.3 Timeout used to detect worker failures 50000 Since 9.3 Heartbeat interval 2000 Since 9.3
kafka.sasl.enabled Enable SASL authentication to communicate with Kafka brokers false Since 10.3/9.10-HF22 When using SASL authentication, choose the protocol to communicate with brokers, valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL SASL_PLAINTEXT Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.sasl.mechanism SASL mechanism used for client connections SCRAM-SHA-256 Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.sasl.jaas.config JAAS login context parameters for SASL connections in the format used by JAAS configuration files. See Kafka documentation for more information. Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.ssl Use SSL to communicate with Kafka Broker false Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.truststore.path The location of the trust store file, empty path means no truststore Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.truststore.type The file format of the trust store file JKS Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.truststore.password The password for the trust store file. If a password is not set access to the truststore is still available, but integrity checking is disabled Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.keystore.path The location of the key store file used by the client for two-way authentication, empty value means no keystore Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.keystore.type The file format of the key store file JKS Since 10.3/9.10-HF22
kafka.keystore.password The store password for the key store file Since 10.3/9.10-HF22 The directory where Chronicle Queue files are stored. ${}/data/stream Since 9.3 Default retention for Chronicle Queue Log, default to 4 days. 4d Since 9.3 Enable the Nuxeo Stream Audit Writer implementation true Since 9.3 The Log configuration to use for the Stream Audit Writer audit Since 9.3 The entries batch size to submit the the audit backend 25 Since 9.3 Do not wait more than this threshold if the batch is not full 500 Since 9.3 Supersed the default WorkManager with the Sream WorkManager false Since 9.3 The Log configuration to use for the Stream WorkManager work Since 9.3 The factor to use on the Work Thread pool size to get the number of Log partition. 3 Since 9.3
org.nuxeo.runtime.reload_strategy The strategy to use when hot reloading Nuxeo Server.
There're two possible values, changing slightly the before/after reload logic:
  • standby: components are stopped, new/former components are deployed/undeployed, components are started
  • restart: components are stopped, then de-activated, new/former components are deployed/undeployed, components are activated, then started
standby Since 9.2

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