Nuxeo Server

Available Facets

Updated: April 27, 2020

Facets are markers on document types that instruct the Nuxeo platform (and any part of the system that cares about them) to behave differently, or that are automatically set on some document instances. The following facets are currently in use by Nuxeo, but others can be defined.


This facet should be set on any type in which you want to store audio. It comes with the file and audio schemas.


This facet should be set on types that are to be considered as "big folders", for which the list of children is not displayed in the navigation tree, as opposed to the Folderish facet.



Marker facet to be set on types used as search document types for content views used in the Faceted search. Documents with this facet will be listed as faceted saved searches.


This should be set on types that are to be considered as "folders", and therefore for which a list of children may be displayed in the navigation tree and other user interface areas.


This facet can be added dynamically to a document to store arbitrary related text that will be used in the fulltext index for the document. In this way, you can find the document with a fulltext search on more that just what's stored in the document.

It is used for instance to add the Annotations' fulltext to the document. It can be used by third-parties to add further text.

Of course this requires that the fulltext index includes the relatedtext schema. This is the default, but if you redefine the default index it's important to know.


Marker facet to be set on types which you want to generate Storyboard, types on which you already added the Video facet.


Marker facet to be set on types which you want to generate a video preview (screenshot), and on which you already added the Video facet.


This should be set on types which you don't want to see in the documentation creation menus or screens. You can still create these types programmatically.


This should be set on types which you don't want to see in regular listings of documents and folders.


This is automatically set by the system on document instances which correspond to immutable objects (archived versions and proxies to archived versions).


Marker facet to be set on types which handle a list of picture views. Deprecated since 7.1, the Picture facet is now sufficient to mark types handling picture views.


The document won't be full-text indexed.


Facet used by the Tag service to represent tags as a document property.


This should be set on Folderish types for which maintaining the order of children is important. (CoreSession#orderBefore can be used only on documents contained in Orderable folders.)


This facet should be set on any type in which you want to store a picture. It comes with the file and picture schemas.


This should be set on document types for which you want to have publishing.


The document type corresponds to a system document, not a user-visible document. It is often HiddenInNavigation as well, but not always, as some system documents (like workflow route models) may need to be visible to administrators or selected users.


This should be set on document types for which you want to have versioning.


This facet should be set on any type in which you want to store a video. It comes with the file, video and picture schemas.


This facet should be set on any type if you want to use it as the task document created by a workflow. Note that along with the facet, the document type must also have the lifecycle "task".



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