Nuxeo Server

Hotfixes Installation Notes for Nuxeo Platform LTS 2016

Updated: April 27, 2020

The purpose of this page is to describe the additional actions that need to be done when installing the hotfixes on Nuxeo Platform and that cannot be done automatically. The page provides an exhaustive list of manipulations for the installation of Nuxeo Platform LTS 2016 hotfixes, but you need only to apply those relevant for your own instance.

When you are installing/configuring a new Nuxeo instance, the very first thing to do is to install the hotfixes. Because it will provide fixes on the Nuxeo launcher, on the startup wizard and on the templates, installing them immediately will prevent from encountering known issues.

How to Keep Your Instance up-to-Date

Hotfixes always have dependencies on the previous hotfix. So if you need to install several hotfixes, you can download only the latest one: when you install it, it will trigger the installation of the previous hotfixes.

Installing Hotfixes from the Command Line

The Nuxeo Platform provides a command to automatically install all the available hotfixes. From the command line, run the following command:

  • For Linux and Mac OS users:

    $ ./nuxeoctl mp-hotfix --accept=true
  • For Windows users:

    > nuxeoctl.bat mp-hotfix --accept=true

The parameter --accept=true automatically replies yes to any prompt, which makes the hotfix installation smoother.

While installing hotfixes, you will see the following message, but you can ignore it and continue.

Use of the <copy /> command on JAR files is not recommended, prefer using <update /> command to ensure a safe rollback. (nuxeo-launcher-8.10-HF01-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Installing Hotfixes from the Update Center

You can also download and install hotfixes from the Update Center in the Admin tab.The installation of hotfixes requires the server to be restarted to complete the installation: follow the manual installation and configuration steps required by the installed hotfixes before you restart your server.

While installing hotfixes, you will see the following message, but you can ignore it and continue.

Use of the <copy /> command on JAR files is not recommended, prefer using <update /> command to ensure a safe rollback. (nuxeo-launcher-8.10-HF01-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Instance Registration

Hotfixes released for LTS 2016 can only be used on valid, registered Nuxeo instances.

If you are using an unregistered LTS 2016 Nuxeo instance with hotfixes installed, you may encounter the following behavior:

  • A warning will be displayed in the logs during startup,

***** This Nuxeo instance is not registered *****
It can only be used for development and will be stopped if used in production
  • Over a certain level of use the server will be stopped automatically. When this happens, a message is displayed in the logs to inform you as well.

***** This Nuxeo instance is not registered *****
Stopping Nuxeo instance due to threshold exceeded (TOTAL_COMMITS > 100000) after failed registration checks

The current limits of use are:

  • 100,000 transaction commits
  • 10 concurrent sessions (a session correspond to an access to the core)

If the expiration date is close (less than 15 days), a warning will be displayed and indicate how many days are left before expiration. In the JSF UI, a message based on the Administrative message mechanism will be displayed: all users will be informed.

After expiration date, the following message will be displayed in the logs at startup:


***** This Nuxeo instance registration is expired *****
It can only be used for development and will be stopped if used in production

The following message will be displayed in the logs when Nuxeo will be stopped automatically according to the same conditions as described earlier:


***** This Nuxeo instance registration is expired *****
Stopping Nuxeo instance due to threshold exceeded (TOTAL_COMMITS > 100000) after registration expiration

How Can I Avoid This?
Make sure to register your Nuxeo instance: this can be done both for online and offline instances.

Could it Break My CI Chain? Do I Need to Register My Test Instances?
The level of use needed to stop an unregistered instance with hotfixes has been tuned to prevent any problems with CI chain tests. It would be possible to run the full test suite of Nuxeo server (both unit tests AND integration tests) several times before anything would happen.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to register your test instances, especially if you wish to test features that require heavy usage (e.g. load testing or mass import).

How Often Do I Need to Register My Instance?

Registration tokens are valid until your current contract's expiration date. When renewing your Nuxeo Online Services subscription, you should register your instances again.

I Have More Questions, Who Can I Ask For Help?
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team via a dedicated support ticket.

Hotfix 25

CSRF Protection for Platform

CSRF protection is activated by default and based on the CORS configuration and its allowOrigin and supportedMethods parameters, which by default doesn't allow any cross origin.

To activate an insecure configuration that allows any cross origin, use:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.web.common.requestcontroller.service.RequestControllerService" point="corsConfig">
    <!-- THIS IS INSECURE -->
    <corsConfig name="insecure" allowOrigin="*" supportedMethods="GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,DELETE" >

This configuration may fix the error HTTP 403 - CSRF check failure. See the related documentation page for more information.

Stack Trace in REST API Exception

The exception stack trace is written if the media type is application/json+nxentity but it can be disabled for security reason with the configuration parameter, which is set to true by default.

To disable it, use this code:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="">false</property>

Hotfix 24

New Searchable Property in Elasticsearch: ecm:versionVersionableId

With an Elasticsearch NXQL query you can retrieve all versions of a document by version series id. To search existing documents by ecm:versionVersionableId a re-index is required. This could either be done via a full re-index or a re-index of just documents that have versions, using this query:

SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:isVersion = 1

Hotfix 23

Dirty Fields Validation at Creation

To enable the fix done by NXP-23267 and provided by HF19, you have now to set the org.nuxeo.core.validate.dirty.only.creation parameter with false value.

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
    <property name="org.nuxeo.core.validate.dirty.only.creation">false</property>

Using this property was added not to break the project which were correctly working with the bug on dirty field validation.

Hotfix 20

Read ACL Optimization on Big Volume for DBS

This feature is activated by setting the property nuxeo.core.readacl.async.enabled=true in nuxeo.conf. Default value is false.

When the feature is activated, the Nuxeo property nuxeo.core.readacl.async.threshold can be set to a value (500 by default) above which Read ACL recomputation is done asynchronously.

Hotfix 19

Validation Constraint at Creation

NXP-23267 has fixed a bug where the validation was not done on all the document fields. For example the validation was not working:

  • if a field was not present on the creation form
  • if the document was created by an Automation call and no properties were passed for a field with constraint (required field, directory field, etc)

Once the hotfix 19 is applied, you will get a Validation exception whereas before the document was created without any error, which was faulty because a constraint was defined on these fields.

Hotfix 18

Longer Column Size to Store Extended Infos in the Audit

The size of the column LOG_EXTINFO_STRING in the table NXP_LOGS_EXTINFO has been increased from 255 to 1024 to be able to store longer values in the audit, like big download URLs. This change is not automatically applied to existing database, you must change it manually with a SQL query:

ALTER TABLE nxp_logs_extinfo ALTER COLUMN log_extinfo_string TYPE character varying(1024);

Hotfix 15

Security Issue on MS Windows

Windows users need to upgrade the Tomcat version to protect against a potential CSRF token leak in the default manager applications distributed with Tomcat. Follow this procedure to upgrade Tomcat to version 7.0.81, version recommended by NXP-19726:

  1. Open a PowerShell session.
  2. Ensure you can run "java" and "jar" with the current $env:Path environment variable or set the $env:Path as needed.
  3. Set the ExecutionPolicy to "Unrestricted" (see Microsoft usage notes).
  4. Run the script using the following command line format (using full path to NUXEO_HOME):
    upgrade_tomcat7.ps1 NUXEO_HOME 7.0.81
    (The script is available under NUXEO_HOME\templates\common-base\client\scripts when distributed by Hotfix 15, while the source of the script is available on GitHub).
  5. Restore the ExecutionPolicy to your default level.
  6. Exit the PowerShell session.

Hotfix 10

Package Upgrade

If you are using Nuxeo JSF UI, you must upgrade the package nuxeo-jsf-ui to version 8.10.1 to keep the workflows working. Run the following command from the command line to upgrade the installed packages:

./nuxeoctl mp-upgrade

Hotfix 09

Traffic Encryption in Elasticsearch

This hotfix brings a new default template for the Elasticsearch configuration to enable traffic encryption with the following properties:


If you have customized the template templates/common-base/nxserver/config/elasticsearch-config.xml.nxftl, please report the changes from this diff to your custom template.

Hotfix 01

DBS Cache Configuration

This hotfix brings a new default template to configure a DBS repository. It exposes new parameters to configure the cache, which are listed below with their default value:


Orphan Versions Cleanup

NXP-14187 addresses the cleanup of orphan versions, left after a recursive delete (deletion of a folder). However this cleanup is disabled by default. To enable it, you have to add the following contribution:

  <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.scheduler.SchedulerService" point="schedule">
    <schedule id="orphanVersionsCleanup">
      <!-- cleanup every day at 1:30 AM -->
      <cronExpression>0 30 1 * * ?</cronExpression>

Automation Compatibility

Some operations have been renamed since LTS 2015 and cannot be used any more with the Java Automation Client. Use the following contribution to enable the aliases and fix the bug:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="nuxeo.automation.export.aliases">true</property>

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