Nuxeo Server

Additional Services

Updated: April 27, 2020

This section lists additional services and modules that are part of the default distribution of the Nuxeo Platform. You can also refer to the additional packages section for understanding how to integrate features offered by additional plugins.

Data Visualization

Data Visualization brings a set of custom elements are available for bootstrapping custom graphical dashboards.

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Documents can have a thumbnail. A thumbnail is a reduced-size version of a picture used to help in recognizing and organizing documents. It will stand for any kind of document according to the type and/or facet.

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The WorkManager service allows you to run code later, asynchronously, in a separate thread and transaction.

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File Manager

The File Manager is used to create documents from simple binaries. It is a traditional Nuxeo Platform service that offers some methods that help standardize what happens when a file is captured in the Platform.

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