Nuxeo Server

Creating Your Own Marshaller

Updated: April 27, 2020

The marshalling service allows you to create JSON-to-Java and Java-to-JSON marshallers. To create a marshaller, you have to write a Java class that manages the marshalling and registers it using a contribution.

Let's suppose we'd like to create marshallers for the following Java object:

 public class Product {

    private String reference;
    public int getReference() { return reference; }
    public void setReference(int reference) { this.reference = reference; }

    private String description;
    public String getDescription() { return description; }
    public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }


Creating a Java-to-JSON Marshaller

A Java-to-JSON marshaller must implement the<EntityType> class. It must have a @Setup annotation to register it as a marshaller and a @Supports annotation to specify the supported mimetype (JSON in our example). The Product class is a POJO, we can either use Jackson POJO marshalling capabilities or create a custom JSON marshalling.

Jackson POJO

 @Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductJsonWriter extends AbstractJsonWriter<Product> {
    public void write(Product product, JsonGenerator jg) throws IOException {

Custom JSON

@Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductJsonWriter extends AbstractJsonWriter<Product> {
    public void write(Product product, JsonGenerator jg) throws IOException {
        jg.writeNumberField("ref", product.getReference());
        jg.writeStringField("desc", product.getDescription());

  • The @Setup annotation is here to define our object as a marshaller.
  • The mode = Instanciations.SINGLETON parameter defines that the marshaller must be instanciated once.
  • The priority = Priorities.REFERENCE parameter defines it as the default one for the Product class.
  • The AbstractJsonWriter super-class is the Java-to-JSON Marshaller's base class (it has the @Supports("application/json") annotation). It helps to write the marshaller and to reuse the existing JSON marshalling.

Creating a JSON-to-Java Marshaller

A JSON-to-Java marshaller must implement the<EntityType> class. It must have a @Setup annotation to register it as a marshaller and a @Supports annotation to specify the supported mimetype (JSON in our example). The Product class is a POJO, we can either use Jackson POJO marshalling capabilities or create a custom JSON marshalling.

Jackson POJO

@Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductJsonReader extends AbstractJsonReader<Product> {
    public Product read(JsonNode jn) throws IOException {
        return new ObjectMapper().readValue(jn, Product.class);

Custom JSON

@Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductJsonReader extends AbstractJsonReader<Product> {
    public Product read(JsonNode jn) throws IOException {
        Product product = new Product();
        return product;


  • The @Setup annotation is here to define our object as a marshaller.
  • The mode = Instanciations.SINGLETON parameter defines that the marshaller must be instanciated once.
  • The priority = Priorities.REFERENCE parameter defines it as the default one for the Product class.
  • The AbstractJsonReader super-class is the JSON-to-Java Marshaller's base class (it has the @Supports("application/json") annotation). It helps to write the marshaller and to reuse the existing JSON marshalling.

Each marshaller supports injection of the RenderingContext or any Nuxeo service using the `@java.inject.Injectannotation. The injected objects are inherited while extending an existing class. TheAbstractJsonWriterand theAbstractJsonReaderprovide the RenderingContext ("ctx" attribute) and theMarshallingRegistry` ("registry" attribute).

Managing Lists

The Nuxeo Platform provides built-in abstract classes to manage lists.


@Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductListJsonWriter extends DefaultListJsonWriter<Product> {
    public ProductListJsonWriter() {
        super("products", Product.class);


@Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
public class ProductListJsonReader extends DefaultListJsonReader<Product> {
    public ProductListJsonReader() {
        super("products", Product.class);

Registering Your Marshallers

The marshalling service provides an extension point : . It allows to add new marshallers, override existing ones or unregister some.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.example.marshallers" version="1.0.0">
  <extension target="" point="marshallers">
    <register class="org.nuxeo.example.ProductJsonWriter" enable="true" />
    <register class="org.nuxeo.example.ProductJsonReader" enable="true" />
    <register class="org.nuxeo.example.ProductListJsonWriter" enable="true" />
    <register class="org.nuxeo.example.ProductListJsonReader" enable="true" />

Using Your Marshallers

  • From a JAX-RS endpoint

    1. Make sure your WebEngine application provides the nuxeo-core-io marshalling.

      If it extends automation server or REST API v1, it's ok.

      Otherwise, you have to register a single JAX-RS object in your application.

      public class ProductApplication extends WebEngineModule {
          public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
              return Sets.newHashSet(new JsonCoreIODelegate());
    2. From your REST endpoints, just consume or return Product as usual.

      Using marshallers

      public Product doGet() {
          Product product;
          // get the product
          return product;
      public Response doPost(Product product) {
          // do something with the product
          return Response.ok().build();

  • Outside JAX-RS

    You can use the Nuxeo Platform marshalling service outside the web context. The simplest way is to use

    MarshallingHelper - Java-to-JSON

    Product product = ...;
    String json = MarshallingHelper.objectToJson(product, CtxBuilder.get());

    The MarshallingHelper class is a helper to use the MarshallingRegistry service. This service provides multiple ways to get marshallers depending on your needs.

    MarshallingRegistry - Java-to-JSON

    Product product = ...;
    OutputStream target = ...;
    MarshallerRegistry registry = Framework.getService(MarshallerRegistry.class);
    // get the most priorized JSON Writer for Product
    Writer<Product> writer = registry.getWriter(CtxBuilder.get(), Product.class, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
    writer.write(object, Product.class, Product.class, APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, target);
    // get a specific JSON Writer instance
    ProductJsonWriter writer = registry.getInstance(CtxBuilder.get(), ProductJsonWriter.class);
    writer.write(object, Product.class, Product.class, APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, target);
    // get the most priorized JSON Writer for Product
    // associated with the given context and available for use in multiple threads (usefull for use in listeners or schedulers)
    Writer<Product> writer = registry.getUniqueWriter(CtxBuilder.get(), Product.class, Product.class, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
    writer.write(object, Product.class, Product.class, APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, target);
    // get a specific JSON Writer instance
    // associated with the given context and available for use in multiple threads (usefull for use in listeners or schedulers)
    ProductJsonWriter writer = registry.getUniqueInstance(CtxBuilder.get(), ProductJsonWriter.class);
    writer.write(object, Product.class, Product.class, APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, target);
    // advanced use for Java class based on generic type
    List<Product> products = ...;
    // use TypeUtils from commons-lang3 to get the generic type
    Type productListType = TypeUtils.parametrize(List.class, Product.class)
    Writer<List<Product>> writer = registry.getWriter(CtxBuilder.get(), List.class, productListType, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
    writer.write(object, List.class, productListType, APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, target);

  • From another marshaller: The easiest way to do that is to extends AbstractJsonWriter or AbstractJsonReader.

    Java-to-JSON Aggregation

    @Setup(mode = Instantiations.SINGLETON, priority = Priorities.REFERENCE)
    public class AnObjectJsonWriter extends AbstractJsonWriter<AnObject> {
        public void write(AnObject anObject, JsonGenerator jg) throws IOException {
            jg.writeStringField("someField", anObject.getSomeField());
            Product product = anObject.getProduct();
            // this will generates the product json using the provided Java-to-JSON marshaller
            writeEntityField("product", product, jg);
            // same things with 2 calls
            writeEntity(product, jg);
            // or even, use the inherited "registry" attribute to get your marshaller and do what you want

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