Nuxeo Server


Updated: April 27, 2020

The Nuxeo Platform comes in different packages and can be installed on any operating system. You may have to install:

  • a zip archive (works on any operating system),
  • a Windows installer (.exe),
  • a virtual machine image (works on any operating system),
  • a .deb package (works on Linux Debian and Ubuntu).

General Installation Process

Installing the Nuxeo Platform is done in a few steps:

  1. Have a look at our Hardware and Software Requirements in the section below, as well as our supported databases and application servers. You may also want to read our page regarding required storage space.
  2. Install and Set up related required software (unless you deploy on Amazon where the image already includes it).
  3. Install and start the Nuxeo Platform server. To understand how to start a Nuxeo Platform server on those various environments you can read and follow one of our recipes:
  4. Run the Configuration Wizard (not in the case of a standard static war).

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following table lists current requirements for running the Nuxeo Platform. This list is a living one! If you have some constraints that do not fit this grid, do not hesitate to contact the Nuxeo team for evaluating feasibility of running Nuxeo on any other environment, may it be a different JVM, Database, Application server or OS.

Hardware Requirements Minimum requirement to start a Nuxeo server: 2 CPU, 2 Gb RAM, 300 Mb of disk-space. Note: a production-ready setup for the Nuxeo Platform may require several servers and different hardware sizing, depending on your SLA and planned usage. Contact Nuxeo for more information and getting help on sizing your production architecture.
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows
Note: the only limitation on the OS nature and version is the ability to install the correct version of the required JDK (see below)r. It means that while it is commonly reported to run on recent versions of Ubuntu, RHEL, Debian, CentOS, it can also run on any Linux distribution where it is possible to install the required JDK. You may have to adapt the provided startup shell scripts.
Java JDK 1.8.0_112 (Oracle's JDK or OpenJDK) and greater See following documentation:
Application Server
  • Tomcat 7.0.69
Nuxeo is shipped with an embedded Tomcat server.
  • MariaDB 10.1
  • MarkLogic 8.0
  • MongoDB 3.2
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Oracle 12c
  • PostgreSQL 9.5
  • SQL Server 2014
The Nuxeo Platform is likely to work with greater versions of related databases. Do not hesitate to inform the Nuxeo support of your attempts with different versions. More information on the page Database Configuration.
Note that Nuxeo Server is shipped embedding H2 database, for quick evaluation purpose. One of the listed databases is required for a production set up or for more serious evaluation like performance testing.
Authentication and User Management The Nuxeo Platform provides its own users and groups directories and authentication solution. It is also compatible with multiple cloud and enterprise solutions:
  • LDAP protocol (Open LDAP)
  • Active Directory
  • SAML Providers
  • OpenId
  • Kerberos
  • CAS
See Authentication and User Management section.
Optional Third-Party Software Some third party software may be required depending on the conversions capabilities you want to benefit from. The following list is not exhaustive:
  • LibreOffice
  • ImageMagick
  • FFmpeg
  • Docker
  • pdftohtml
  • Ghostscript
  • Exiftools
  • ...
More information on installing third-party software.
Client-Side Requirements The Nuxeo Platform comes with several applications that are used by business users and that have their own requirements:

Checking Your Java Version

To check that you have the right version of Java:

  1. Open a terminal:

    • On Linux or OS X: open a terminal.
    • On Windows: press "windows" key + r, type cmd (or command) in the Run window and press "OK" or open the Prompt command from Start > Programs > Accessories menu.
  2. Type java -version and press Enter. If Java is correctly installed on your computer, the name and version of your Java virtual machine is displayed:

    java version "1.8.0_66"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)

    If Java is not installed on you computer, it fails to display the Java version. Then, you need to install Java (see below).

    If Java is installed but not included in the PATH, it fails to find the Java command. Then, you need to add $JAVA_HOME/bin/ in your PATH (see How do I set or change the PATH system variable?).

Installing Java

For Linux Users

For Ubuntu, no Java 8 package is yet available. You can still download Java 8 from the Oracle website.

For OS X Users

Java packages and instructions for installation are available from the Oracle website:

For Windows Users

If the required version of Java is not installed on your computer:

  1. Download it from the Oracle website (Java 8) and choose the appropriate platform for your hardware and Windows version.
  2. Run the downloaded .exe file and follow the instructions displayed.

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