
Search Resource Endpoints

Updated: September 14, 2020

The Search resource endpoints allow REST clients to perform queries on the Nuxeo repository, save these queries and reproduce them later on.


There are three search endpoints:

Path Description
GET /api/v1/search/lang/{queryLanguage}/execute Executes a query in a given query language. Default language is NXQL.
POST /api/v1/search/lang/{queryLanguage}/bulk/{actionId} Executes a bulk action on a query in a given query language. Default language is NXQL.
GET /api/v1/search/pp/{providerName}/execute Executes a search using a specific page provider.
POST /api/v1/search/pp/{providerName}/bulk/{actionId} Executes a bulk action using a specific page provider.
GET /api/v1/search/pp/{providerName} Gets the definition of a given page provider.
GET /api/v1/search/saved Gets a list of saved searches.
POST /api/v1/search/saved Saves a search.
GET /api/v1/search/saved/{searchId} Retrieves a saved search.
PUT /api/v1/search/saved/{searchId} Updates a saved search.
DELETE /api/v1/search/saved/{searchId} Deletes a saved search.
GET /api/v1/search/saved/{searchId}/execute Executes a saved search.
GET /api/v1/search/saved/{searchId}/bulk/{actionId} Executes bulk action on a saved search.

Execution Parameters

Searches can be parameterized with execution parameters which can be passed to all /search/**/execute endpoints.

Key Type Description Default Value / Example
query string The query to perform SELECT * FROM Document
pageSize integer Number of entries per page 0 (no pagination) The maximum is 1000 by default. See the related page on the Explorer in order to customize it.
currentPageIndex integer Selected page index 0
maxResults integer Maximum entries 200
sortBy string Property sorting Example: sortBy="dc:title,dc:description"
sortOrder string Sort order Examples: sortOrder="DESC" or sortOrder="ASC"
offset number Current page offset. 0
highlight string List of fields to highlight. Example: highlight="dc:title.fulltext,dc:description.fulltext". Check Elasticsearch Highlights for more details.
queryParams string Ordered parameters Example: For a query pattern like Select * From Document where dc:title = ?, the queryParams value should be "My Title". This is only useful when using a page provider, defined server-side.
parameter1, parameter2... string Named parameters Example: For a query pattern like Select * From Document where dc:title = :title1, the title1 parameter should be "My Title". Parameter names should be strictly different from property names (and other query parameters). This is only useful when using a page provider, defined server-side.

Saved Search Properties

Saved searches are composed of the following properties:

Property Type Description
queryParams string Ordered query parameters
namedParams object Named parameters
query string Query to be executed, mutually exclusive with providerName
queryLanguage string Query language, mutually exclusive with providerName (default is NXQL)
providerName string Page provider to use in the search, mutually exclusive with query and queryLanguage
contentViewData string JSON object containing content view related data

These properties are particularly relevant for creating and updating saved searches. Search execution parameters can be stored as properties of the saved search, which will be used when the search is executed. These parameters can be overridden if passed again with new values to the execution endpoint.

Examples and Sample Code

Searching by Query


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/lang/NXQL/execute?query=select * from Document

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/lang/NXQL/execute?query=select * from Document&pageSize=2&currentPageIndex=1


    "entity-type": "documents",
    "isPaginable": true,
    "resultsCount": 39,
    "pageSize": 2,
    "maxPageSize": 100,
    "currentPageSize": 2,
    "currentPageIndex": 1,
    "numberOfPages": 20,
    "isPreviousPageAvailable": true,
    "isNextPageAvailable": true,
    "isLastPageAvailable": true,
    "isSortable": true,
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "totalSize": 39,
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageCount": 20,
    "entries": [
            "entity-type": "document",
            "repository": "default",
            "uid": "6a2707d7-1340-4f7c-935b-6f01f0c1bf15",
            "path": "/management/administrative-infos/Mac OS X--44d452c00edf0bf0f86447b1f40923d6-79d535faa48b39f3f358fe5dad3c503b--org.nuxeo.ecm.smtp",
            "type": "AdministrativeStatus",
            "state": "undefined",
            "versionLabel": "",
            "isCheckedOut": true,
            "title": "Mac OS X--44d452c00edf0bf0f86447b1f40923d6-79d535faa48b39f3f358fe5dad3c503b--org.nuxeo.ecm.smtp",
            "lastModified": "2014-09-04T09:51:15.46Z",
            "facets": [
            "changeToken": "1409824275462",
            "contextParameters": {
                "documentURL": "/nuxeo/nxdoc/default/6a2707d7-1340-4f7c-935b-6f01f0c1bf15"
            "entity-type": "document",
            "repository": "default",
            "uid": "5366b1e4-10f3-4ab6-9510-c31e1e5faea9",
            "path": "/management/administrative-infos",
            "type": "AdministrativeStatusContainer",
            "state": "undefined",
            "versionLabel": "",
            "isCheckedOut": true,
            "title": "administrative-infos",
            "lastModified": "2014-09-04T09:51:15.44Z",
            "facets": [
            "changeToken": "1409824275441",
            "contextParameters": {
                "documentURL": "/nuxeo/nxdoc/default/5366b1e4-10f3-4ab6-9510-c31e1e5faea9"

Querying with Elasticsearch

In order to perform NXQL queries on Elasticsearch repository through the search endpoints, the following configuration must be added to $NUXEO_HOME/bin/nuxeo.conf:


Note that default_search is the only page provider querying on Elasticsearch by default. When defining elasticsearch.override.pageproviders conf property, don't forget to add it or else it won't query Elasticsearch anymore. See also How to Make a Page Provider or Content View Query Elasticsearch Index.

Searching by Page Provider

Using page providers defined server-side instead of redefining the query on client side might also be useful for better reusability.

Here are different use cases for defining page providers and making it possible to pass parameters from the client.

Without Parameters

<coreQueryPageProvider name="latest_docs">
    SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation'
    AND ecm:isVersion = 0 AND ecm:isTrashed = 0
  <sort column="dc:modified" ascending="false" />

Example Request

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/latest_docs/execute

Parameters Referenced with the '?' Character

<coreQueryPageProvider name="tree_children">
    SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:parentId = ? AND ecm:isProxy = 0
    AND ecm:mixinType = 'Folderish' AND ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation'
    AND ecm:isVersion = 0 AND ecm:isTrashed = 0
  <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/tree_children/execute?queryParams=47dd6d8d-d8d0-4a09-9e3e-e30fc8877df1

Named Parameter in the Pattern

<coreQueryPageProvider name="docs_by_title_and_desc">
    SELECT * FROM Document WHERE dc:title = :title AND dc:description LIKE :desc
  <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/docs_by_title_and_desc/execute?title=mytitle&desc=mydesc

Named Parameter in WHERE Clause

<coreQueryPageProvider name="docs_by_title_if_any">
    <predicate parameter="dc:title" operator="=">
      <field name="title" />
  <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/docs_by_title_if_any/execute?title=mytitle

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/docs_by_title_if_any/execute

In the second example, no filtering is performed: the title parameter is not provided so the corresponding predicate is not part of the resulting query.

By default, named parameters are treated as String values. If you need further configuration, define a document type and the associated schema so that conversions are accurate for numbers, dates, booleans, etc.

Named Parameter in WHERE Clause and Typing

Assuming a document type NamedParamDoc and the associated schema prefixed np have been defined, the following query can be performed:

<coreQueryPageProvider name="docs_by_title_complex">
    <predicate parameter="dc:title" operator="=">
      <field name="np:title" />
    <predicate parameter="ecm:isVersion" operator="=">
      <field xpath="np:isCheckedIn" />
  <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/docs_by_title_complex/execute?np%3Atitle=mytitle&np%3AisCheckedIn=true


    "entity-type": "documents",
    "isPaginable": true,
    "resultsCount": 1,
    "pageSize": 50,
    "maxPageSize": 100,
    "currentPageSize": 1,
    "currentPageIndex": 0,
    "numberOfPages": 1,
    "isPreviousPageAvailable": false,
    "isNextPageAvailable": false,
    "isLastPageAvailable": false,
    "isSortable": true,
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "totalSize": 1,
    "pageIndex": 0,
    "pageCount": 1,
    "entries": [
            "entity-type": "document",
            "repository": "default",
            "uid": "1c5fcfa7-3cd1-446e-b3d3-5f8c41d61ea7",
            "path": "/default-domain/UserWorkspaces/Administrator",
            "type": "Workspace",
            "state": "project",
            "versionLabel": "",
            "isCheckedOut": true,
            "title": "Administrator",
            "lastModified": "2014-09-04T09:52:15.83Z",
            "facets": [
            "changeToken": "1409824335836",
            "contextParameters": {
                "documentURL": "/nuxeo/nxdoc/default/1c5fcfa7-3cd1-446e-b3d3-5f8c41d61ea7/view_documents"

With Elasticsearch

Default Page provider in Nuxeo Server

<genericPageProvider name="aggregates_1"
  <property name="coreSession">#{documentManager}</property>
  <property name="maxResults">-1</property>
  <fixedPart>SELECT * FROM Document</fixedPart>
    <aggregate id="source" type="terms" parameter="dc:source">
      <field schema="advanced_search" name="source_agg" />
        <property name="size">5</property>
    <aggregate id="coverage" type="terms" parameter="dc:coverage">
      <field schema="advanced_search" name="coverage_agg" />
        <property name="size">5</property>
    <aggregate id="nature" type="terms" parameter="dc:nature">
      <field schema="advanced_search" name="nature_agg" />
        <property name="size">5</property>


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/aggregates_1/execute


  "entity-type": "documents",
  "isPaginable": true,
  "resultsCount": 16,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "maxPageSize": 1000,
  "currentPageSize": 15,
  "currentPageIndex": 0,
  "numberOfPages": 1,
  "isPreviousPageAvailable": false,
  "isNextPageAvailable": false,
  "isLastPageAvailable": false,
  "isSortable": true,
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "totalSize": 16,
  "pageIndex": 0,
  "pageCount": 1,
  "entries": [
      "entity-type": "document",
      "repository": "test",
      "uid": "48706617-f28f-4fd5-9a7c-1b7759908eb9",
      "path": "/folder_2",
      "type": "Folder",
      "state": "project",
      "versionLabel": "",
      "isCheckedOut": true,
      "title": "Folder 2",
      "lastModified": "2014-09-18T13:42:16.31Z",
      "properties": {
        "dc:description": null,
        "dc:language": null,
        "dc:coverage": null,
        "dc:valid": null,
        "dc:creator": "Administrator",
        "dc:modified": "2014-09-18T13:42:16.31Z",
        "dc:lastContributor": "Administrator",
        "dc:format": null,
        "dc:expired": null,
        "dc:rights": null,
        "dc:created": "2014-09-18T13:42:16.31Z",
        "dc:title": "Folder 2",
        "dc:issued": null,
        "dc:nature": null,
        "dc:subjects": [],
        "dc:contributors": [
        "dc:source": null,
        "dc:publisher": null
      "facets": [
      "changeToken": "1411047736310",
      "contextParameters": {
        "documentURL": "/nuxeo/nxdoc/test/48706617-f28f-4fd5-9a7c-1b7759908eb9"
  "aggregations": {
    "coverage": {
      "id": "coverage",
      "type": "terms",
      "query": {
        "field": "dc:coverage",
        "properties": {
          "size": "5"
        "id": "coverage",
        "type": "terms",
        "selection": []
      "buckets": [
          "key": "Coverage0",
          "docCount": 2
          "key": "Coverage1",
          "docCount": 2
          "key": "Coverage2",
          "docCount": 1
    "nature": {
      "id": "nature",
      "type": "terms",
      "query": {
        "field": "dc:nature",
        "properties": {
          "size": "5"
        "id": "nature",
        "type": "terms",
        "selection": []
      "buckets": [
          "key": "Nature0",
          "docCount": 3
          "key": "Nature1",
          "docCount": 2
    "source": {
      "id": "source",
      "type": "terms",
      "query": {
        "field": "dc:source",
        "properties": {
          "size": "5"
        "id": "source",
        "type": "terms",
        "selection": []
      "buckets": [
          "key": "Source0",
          "docCount": 1
          "key": "Source1",
          "docCount": 1
          "key": "Source2",
          "docCount": 1
          "key": "Source3",
          "docCount": 1
          "key": "Source4",
          "docCount": 1

Using a parameter

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/aggregates_1/execute?nature_agg=%5B%22mynaturevalue1%22%5D

Using a multi-valued parameter

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/default_search/execute?dc_creator_agg=%5B%22user1%22,%22user2%22%5D

Using several parameters

GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/pp/default_search/execute?dc_creator_agg=%5B%22user1%22,%22user2%22%5D&dc_nature_agg=%5B%22mynaturevalue1%22%5D

Managing Saved Searches

Saving a Search by Query


POST http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved
  "entity-type": "savedSearch",
  "title": "search by query",
  "query": "select * from Document where dc:creator = ?",
  "queryLanguage": "NXQL",
  "queryParams": "$currentUser",
  "pageSize": "2"

Saving a Search Using a Search Document Model


POST http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved
  "entity-type": "savedSearch",
  "title": "search by search document model",
  "pageProviderName": "default_search",
  "pageSize": "2",
  "params": {
    "ecm_fulltext": "pupp*",
    "dc_modified_agg": ["lastMonth"]

Note that the properties of the search document model are passed in the params property.

Saving a Search Using a Page Provider and with Content View Data


POST http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved
  "entity-type": "savedSearch",
  "title": "my search by page provider",
  "pageProviderName": "default_document_suggestion",
  "queryParams": "Puppy",
  "contentViewData": "{\"viewVar\": \"value\"}"

Listing Saved Searches


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved


  "entity-type": "savedSearches",
  "entries": [
      "entity-type": "savedSearch",
      "id": "f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c",
      "title": "search by search document model",
      "queryParams": null,
      "query": null,
      "queryLanguage": null,
      "pageProviderName": "default_search",
      "pageSize": "2",
      "currentPageIndex": null,
      "maxResults": null,
      "sortBy": null,
      "sortOrder": null,
      "contentViewData": null,
      "params": {}
      "entity-type": "savedSearch",
      "id": "d9177b09-f077-4d69-bac5-687e3a71c7d1",
      "title": "search by query",
      "queryParams": "$currentUser",
      "query": "select * from Document where dc:creator = ?",
      "queryLanguage": "NXQL",
      "pageProviderName": null,
      "pageSize": "2",
      "currentPageIndex": null,
      "maxResults": null,
      "sortBy": null,
      "sortOrder": null,
      "contentViewData": null,
      "params": {}
      "entity-type": "savedSearch",
      "id": "09b3057f-6222-4567-924c-66fe0dd06140",
      "title": "my search by page provider",
      "queryParams": "Puppy",
      "query": null,
      "queryLanguage": null,
      "pageProviderName": "default_document_suggestion",
      "pageSize": null,
      "currentPageIndex": null,
      "maxResults": null,
      "sortBy": null,
      "sortOrder": null,
      "contentViewData": "{\"viewVar\": \"value\"}",
      "params": {}


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved/f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c


  "entity-type": "savedSearch",
  "id": "f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c",
  "title": "search by search document model",
  "queryParams": null,
  "query": null,
  "queryLanguage": null,
  "pageProviderName": "default_search",
  "pageSize": "2",
  "currentPageIndex": null,
  "maxResults": null,
  "sortBy": null,
  "sortOrder": null,
  "contentViewData": null,
  "params": {}

In the above example the search has a search document model, containing its own properties. To display these, pass the desired schemas in the properties header when performing the request.


[HEADER] properties: default_search
GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved/f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c


    "contentViewData": null,
    "currentPageIndex": null,
    "entity-type": "savedSearch",
    "id": "f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c",
    "maxResults": null,
    "pageProviderName": "default_search",
    "pageSize": "2",
    "params": {
        "defaults:common_size_agg": [],
        "defaults:dc_coverage": [],
        "defaults:dc_coverage_agg": [],
        "defaults:dc_created_agg": [],
        "defaults:dc_created_max": null,
        "defaults:dc_created_min": null,
        "defaults:dc_creator": [],
        "defaults:dc_creator_agg": [],
        "defaults:dc_modified_agg": [
        "defaults:dc_modified_max": null,
        "defaults:dc_modified_min": null,
        "defaults:dc_nature": [],
        "defaults:dc_nature_agg": [],
        "defaults:dc_subjects": [],
        "defaults:dc_subjects_agg": [],
        "defaults:ecm_collections": [],
        "defaults:ecm_fulltext": "pupp*",
        "defaults:ecm_path": [],
        "defaults:ecm_tags": []
    "query": null,
    "queryLanguage": null,
    "queryParams": null,
    "sortBy": null,
    "sortOrder": null,
    "title": "search by search document model"

Executing a search with stored parameters:


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved/f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c/execute

Overriding a stored execution parameters, in this case pageSize:


GET http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/search/saved/f0c173cc-4bbc-42b1-ac66-51b362643b6c/execute?pageSize=5

Learn More

  • Test these endpoints on your local instance with Nuxeo API Playground (see documentation to configure your local instance).
  • Checkout the Nuxeo REST API explorer of your instance at http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/doc.

We'd love to hear your thoughts!

All fields required