

Updated: September 14, 2020

Kafka configuration and integration with Nuxeo.

Nuxeo University
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Course on Nuxeo Stream.

When to Use Kafka?

Since Nuxeo 10.10 it is highly recommended to use Kafka when running Nuxeo in cluster mode, Nuxeo Stream requires Kafka to run in a distributed way. Kafka acts as a message broker and enables reliable distributed processing by handling failover between nodes.

Without Kafka, Nuxeo Stream relies on local storage using Chronicle Queue with the following limitations:

  • the processing is not distributed among Nuxeo nodes, the processing happens on the node it is submitted
  • there is no cluster-wide metrics to follow processing progress
  • losing the local storage that contains the Chronicle Queue files means losing running or scheduled processing

Note that the Nuxeo Bulk Service, introduced in Nuxeo 10.10, relies on Nuxeo Stream and therefore requires Kafka to work in a distributed way.

Other reasons to use Kafka:

  • The WorkManager can be configured to use Nuxeo Stream and go beyond the boundaries of Redis by not being limited by memory.
  • To get rid of Redis deployment.
  • To gain interoperability using Kafka topic and Avro messaging.

Kafka Setup

Nuxeo uses the Kafka Producer, Consumer, and Admin APIs. This requires only a Kafka brokers (aka bootstrap) access, it does not need to have access to Zookeeper.

Here are the compatible versions:

Nuxeo Platform Version: LTS 2021 LTS 2019 LTS 2017
Kafka Library: 2.6.0 scala 2.12
Cluster: 1.x, 2.x
Library: 2.1.1 scala 2.12 since HF15
Library: 2.1.0 scala 2.12 from HF01 to HF14
Cluster: 1.x, 2.x
Library: 1.0.0 scala 2.11
Cluster: 1.x, 2.0.0

Kafka brokers need to be tuned if you want more than 7 days of retention or if you have a Kafka version < 2:

Kafka Broker Options Default Recommended Description
offsets.retention.minutes 1440 (Kafka < 2.x) 10080 Make sure the offset retention is greater or equal to log.retention.hours
log.retention.hours 168 168 The default log retention is 7 days. If you change this make sure you update offset.retention.minutes

If the offsets.retention.minutes is not properly set and there is no activity, consumer positions can be lost and all records will be reprocessed.
To prevent this we recommend to use value greater of equals to log.retention.hours. See KAFKA-3806 for more information

Kafka Configuration

The Kafka Producer, Consumer and Admin properties are registered using the Nuxeo KafkaConfigService extension point, you can define multiple configuration for different usages:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <component name="my.project.kafka.contrib"> <require></require> <extension target="" point="kafkaConfig"> <kafkaConfig name="default" topicPrefix="nuxeo-"> <!-- admin properties can be defined when requiring a different access than producer --> <!-- <admin> <property name="bootstrap.servers">kafka:9092</property> <property name="">60000</property> <property name="default.replication.factor">2</property> </admin> --> <producer> <property name="bootstrap.servers">kafka:9092</property> <property name="default.replication.factor">1</property> <property name="">120000</property> <property name="acks">1</property> </producer> <consumer> <property name="bootstrap.servers">kafka:9092</property> <property name="">30000</property> <property name="">7200000</property> <property name="">50000</property> <property name="">4000</property> <property name="max.poll.records">2</property> <property name="">60000</property> </consumer> </kafkaConfig> <!-- Define another config for higher throughput > 100 records per 10min --> <kafkaConfig name="fastConsumer" topicPrefix="nuxeo-"> <producer>...</producer> <consumer> ... <property name="">600000</property> <property name="max.poll.records">100</property> ... </consumer> </kafkaConfig> </extension> </component>

Here are some important properties:

Consumer options default Description
bootstrap.servers localhost:9092 A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. 30000 Request timeout between client and Kafka brokers. 60000 Default timeout for consumer API related to position (commit or move to a position). 3600000 Consumers that don't call poll during this delay are removed from the group.
max.poll.records 2 Can be adjusted to make sure the poll interval is respected. 50000 Consumers that don't send heartbeat during this delay are removed from the group. 4000 Interval between heartbeats. 3000 Delay for the initial consumer rebalance.

A consumer will be removed from the group if:

  • there is a network outage longer than
  • the consumer is too slow to process record, see remark about the below.

Note that Nuxeo will always set to false and auto.offset.reset to earliest.

Producer options default Description 120000 Timeout for a producer to get an acknowledgement.
acks 1 The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete.
compression.type none Valid values are none, gzip, snappy, or lz4. Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better compression).
default.replication.factor 1 Not a Kafka option, used by Nuxeo to set the topic replication factor when creating a new topic.

A producer will fail to deliver a record if it cannot get an acknowledgement within

Most of the above properties can be tuned directly from nuxeo.conf file where properties are prefixed with kafka..

Make sure you set properly the default.replication.factor, the default value is 1 which means No replication.
With replication factor N, Kafka will tolerate up to N-1 server failures without losing record. For instance, if you have 3 brokers in your cluster a replication factor of 2 will tolerate a server failure.

It is important to adapt the for slow consumers; otherwise, you will encounter errors like:

ERROR [ComputationRunner] compliance: Exception in processLoop: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.

For instance, this will happen when using the StreamWorkManager if a Work takes more than 2h.

Please refer to the Kafka documentation about the consumer and producer options and replication for more information.

When using Nuxeo Stream for PubSub service (see below) it is recommended to reduce the topic retention to few hours to save disk storage.

This should be done at the Kafka level using the following command:

$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --zookeeper <zk_host> --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name nuxeo-pubsub --add-config

Kafka Topics and Consumer Groups

Each Nuxeo Stream is a Kafka Topic and each Nuxeo Computation is a consumer part of a Kafka Consumer Group.

Both Topic and Consumer Group are prefixed using the kafka.topicPrefix option in nuxeo.conf. This prefix is by default nuxeo-, you can share a Kafka cluster among different Nuxeo cluster instances using distinct prefixes.

Since Nuxeo 11.1 stream and computation names use namespaces to avoid conflicts between services and to ease the configuration.

A Nuxeo Stream named <namespace>/<stream> is converted to a topic:

Same applies to Nuxeo Computation: <namespace>/<computation> is converted into a group:

Because streams and computations are extensible, the list of topics and group varies depending on the deployed Nuxeo components.

If you want the complete list of topics and consumer groups, the easiest way is to start a staging environment and use Kafka scripts:

# list of topics /opt/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --list --exclude-internal nuxeo-audit-audit nuxeo-bulk-automation nuxeo-bulk-bulkIndex nuxeo-bulk-command nuxeo-bulk-csvExport nuxeo-bulk-deletion nuxeo-bulk-done nuxeo-bulk-exposeBlob nuxeo-bulk-index nuxeo-bulk-makeBlob nuxeo-bulk-recomputeThumbnails nuxeo-bulk-recomputeViews nuxeo-bulk-removeProxy nuxeo-bulk-setProperties nuxeo-bulk-setSystemProperties nuxeo-bulk-sortBlob nuxeo-bulk-status nuxeo-bulk-trash nuxeo-bulk-zipBlob nuxeo-input-null nuxeo-pubsub-pubsub nuxeo-retention-retentionExpired nuxeo-work-blobs nuxeo-work-collections nuxeo-work-default nuxeo-work-dlq nuxeo-work-elasticSearchIndexing nuxeo-work-escalation nuxeo-work-fulltextUpdater nuxeo-work-permissionsPurge nuxeo-work-pictureViewsGeneration nuxeo-work-renditionBuilder nuxeo-work-updateACEStatus nuxeo-work-videoConversion # list of consumers /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list nuxeo-audit-writer nuxeo-bulk-automation nuxeo-bulk-bulkIndex nuxeo-bulk-csvExport nuxeo-bulk-deletion nuxeo-bulk-exposeBlob nuxeo-bulk-index nuxeo-bulk-indexCompletion nuxeo-bulk-makeBlob nuxeo-bulk-recomputeThumbnails nuxeo-bulk-recomputeViews nuxeo-bulk-removeProxy nuxeo-bulk-scroller nuxeo-bulk-setProperties nuxeo-bulk-setSystemProperties nuxeo-bulk-sortBlob nuxeo-bulk-status nuxeo-bulk-trash nuxeo-bulk-zipBlob nuxeo-retention-retentionExpired nuxeo-stream-metrics nuxeo-work-blobs nuxeo-work-collections nuxeo-work-default nuxeo-work-elasticSearchIndexing nuxeo-work-escalation nuxeo-work-fulltextUpdater nuxeo-work-permissionsPurge nuxeo-work-pictureViewsGeneration nuxeo-work-renditionBuilder nuxeo-work-updateACEStatus nuxeo-work-videoConversion

For instance, you can use this list of topics to create them in your target environment so Nuxeo can use a Kafka user with limited rights.

Below are listed common topics and consumer groups used by Nuxeo using the default nuxeo- prefix.

Default Nuxeo Topics

The Audit Topic

Nuxeo Stream is used to decouple write into the audit backend, the namespace used is audit. A stream audit/audit is defined with a single partition to get a total ordering. The computation in charge of writing to the backend is called audit/writer. This translates into a topic nuxeo-audit-audit and a consumer group nuxeo-audit-writer.

You can see the lag using

./bin/ lag -k -l audit/audit ## Log: Name{id='audit-audit', urn='audit/audit'} partitions: 1 ### Group: Name{id='audit-writer', urn='audit/writer'} | partition | lag | pos | end | posOffset | endOffset | | All | 0 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |

Or using Kafka scripts:

/opt/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --describe --topic nuxeo-audit-audit -- Topic:nuxeo-audit-audit PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs: -- Topic: nuxeo-audit-audit Partition: 0 Leader: 1001 Replicas: 1001 Isr: 1001 /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group nuxeo-audit-writer -- GROUP TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID -- nuxeo-audit-writer nuxeo-audit-audit 0 20 20 0 nuxeo-audit-writer-21-4ebb7f79-d9f8-41f5-ae6e-559981380967 / nuxeo-audit-writer-21

The StreamWorkManager Topics

When the WorkManager is based on Nuxeo Stream and each Work Queue is using a topic.

Since Nuxeo 11.1 the namespace work is used.

Given a Work Queue for instance elasticSearchIndexing:

  • the stream and its associated computation will be work/elasticSearchIndexing
  • the Kafka topic name and consumer group will be nuxeo-work-elasticSearchIndexing

You will find a topic for each Work Queue:

  • nuxeo-work-default: the default WorkManager queue.
  • nuxeo-work-elasticSearchIndexing: the queue used for indexing documents in Elasticsearch.
  • nuxeo-work-fulltextUpdater
  • nuxeo-work-renditionBuilder
  • nuxeo-work-permissionsPurge
  • nuxeo-work-collections
  • nuxeo-work-blobs
  • nuxeo-work-escalation

In addition, there is a Dead Letter Queue stream work/dlq to store Work in failure the topic is:

  • nuxeo-work-dlq

Here is an example to get the lag and latency for the default Work Queue:

./bin/ latency -k -l work/default --codec avro --verbose ## Log: Name{id='work-default', urn='work/default'} partitions: 12 ### Group: Name{id='work-default', urn='work/default'} | partition | lag | latencyMs | latency | posTimestamp | posDate | curDate | pos | end | posOffset | endOffset | posKey | | --- | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | --- | | All | 1326 | 6336 | 00:00:06.336 | 1581688116759 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.759Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 7968 | 9294 | 586 | 831 | bf95c693-1591-48d6-88ee-a06b512da235 | | 0 | 102 | 6285 | 00:00:06.285 | 1581688116810 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.810Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 586 | 688 | 586 | 688 | a67df7ca-6735-4f7e-93b6-8e777b3b7d4d | | 1 | 116 | 5997 | 00:00:05.997 | 1581688117098 | 2020-02-14T13:48:37.098Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 682 | 798 | 682 | 798 | 6e4f2083-4ddf-4d43-a200-689d25c5d607 | | 2 | 145 | 6328 | 00:00:06.328 | 1581688116767 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.767Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 681 | 826 | 681 | 826 | 429a9679-d9ef-4351-9328-0687a0b610c0 | | 3 | 111 | 6228 | 00:00:06.228 | 1581688116867 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.867Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 717 | 828 | 717 | 828 | 5ec904bb-9d1c-40b5-acdc-95f35246f14a | | 4 | 71 | 5157 | 00:00:05.157 | 1581688117938 | 2020-02-14T13:48:37.938Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 662 | 733 | 662 | 733 | 0c7b249e-0371-4945-aa42-bd21093affc0 | | 5 | 99 | 6152 | 00:00:06.152 | 1581688116943 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.943Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 678 | 777 | 678 | 777 | a6e301d4-0105-4f8a-8fa5-218698ca3e53 | | 6 | 114 | 6237 | 00:00:06.237 | 1581688116858 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.858Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 668 | 782 | 668 | 782 | 315664591256564.1171452278 | | 7 | 114 | 5880 | 00:00:05.880 | 1581688117215 | 2020-02-14T13:48:37.215Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 612 | 726 | 612 | 726 | 7af63679-381b-4661-9956-90c59c4f35b5 | | 8 | 116 | 6044 | 00:00:06.044 | 1581688117051 | 2020-02-14T13:48:37.051Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 634 | 750 | 634 | 750 | c169d984-8be7-44f2-b89a-2423ce84c69a | | 9 | 117 | 6334 | 00:00:06.334 | 1581688116761 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.761Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 714 | 831 | 714 | 831 | 8ff057c0-1917-4bc8-a80e-7cc727c89c8e | | 10 | 96 | 4939 | 00:00:04.939 | 1581688118156 | 2020-02-14T13:48:38.156Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 671 | 767 | 671 | 767 | 4a8f57da-1f32-4bb7-8966-7aa35b08d430 | | 11 | 125 | 6336 | 00:00:06.336 | 1581688116759 | 2020-02-14T13:48:36.759Z | 2020-02-14T13:48:43.095Z | 663 | 788 | 663 | 788 | bf95c693-1591-48d6-88ee-a06b512da235 |

The Bulk Service (Bulk Action Framework) Topics

Since Nuxeo 11.1 the namespace used is bulk.

There are topics part of the Bulk Service:

  • nuxeo-bulk-command: Scheduled Bulk Commands are first written into this topic.
  • nuxeo-bulk-status: Any Bulk Command reports its progress into this topic.
  • nuxeo-bulk-done: This topic contains the status of the completed Bulk Commands.

Each Bulk Action creates its own processor and topics, you can find a description of the topology and interesting debugging commands in the related documentation.

The PubSub Topic

The PubSub service is used to send instant messages to all Nuxeo nodes, mainly to do cache invalidation. When it is configured to use Nuxeo Stream (nuxeo.pubsub.provider=stream) messages are published in a topic named nuxeo-pubsub-pubsub by default.

This topic is special because consumers don't need past messages, they start consuming from the end of the topic and they don't need to commit their position. As a result, Kafka is not able to list consumer groups for this topic.

Also, because it is instant messages, it is recommended to reduce the topic retention to few hours to save disk storage, see the above Kafka configuration section.