This page mentions the prerequisites that should be applied every time a Nuxeo architecture is set up.
Compatibility Matrix
For every component, the Nuxeo architecture must follow the compatibility matrix for your LTS distribution. The supported component versions are heavily tested, and all hotfixes and security fixes cover the specified versions during the support period.
Monitoring is critical; all components of the Nuxeo architecture should be supervised to make sure that the platform is running efficiently and make adjustments if bottlenecks or performance issues are identified. This is about monitoring the server capabilities in terms of CPU consumption, RAM, JVM performance, etc. Once monitoring is set up, the architecture should be benchmarked and stress tested.
Component Tuning
It is important to read all the best practices and recommendations for every component. Indeed, individual components usually need a little fine-tuning to get the best performance for your architecture.
These topics are explained in the Nuxeo documentation, but we recommend to refer to external software’s documentation pages for complementary information.
Non-Necessary Services
Finally, if some of the Nuxeo features are not needed, non-necessary services can be disabled, like the publishing system for example. The same goes for full-text extraction, if searching for terms placed within the binaries is not necessary.