This chapter will focus on having Nuxeo calls an external application to trigger processing, send data or retrieve data.
The goal is to handle:
- Authentication
- How do we present a credential to the external application?
- Identity propagation
- Do we want to use a service account or not?
Nuxeo provides several authentication protocols:
- OAuth2
- Basic Authentication
- Any kind of custom token
Handling Errors
The goal is to handle:
- Exceptions in the external application
- Availability of the external application
- By extension, we may also need to address retry and back-off policies.
For interactive integration, the right approach is probably to let the exceptions and errors bubble. If needed, Nuxeo integrates the failsafe
library. For asynchronous/batch integration, the Nuxeo infrastructure already provides patterns to do automatic retries.
Result Handling
The goal is to handle asynchronous requests and callback/resume.
On the Nuxeo side, the standard way to address that is to:
- Store the call context inside the key/value store
- Expose a callback endpoint that will restore the context from the key/value store
- Store the final result into the transient store
In addition, all steps of the calls can be tracked inside the Audit Log.
Interactive/API level integration
The idea here is, to extend or hook onto the Nuxeo API so that the call to the external service is executed when a Nuxeo API is called.
Possible Implementations
Automation Scripting
Automation scripting allows deploying JavaScript code that wraps Automation Operations.
Interesting operations are:
- Call external HTTP Service
from nuxeo-labs-operations- Use the automation HTTPHelper
- Add a log entry
Current limitations:
- No direct support for OAuth Service providers
- No API to access the transient store or the key/value store
Custom Java Operation
The idea is to build a custom Automation Operation that will:
- Contain the java logic to handle the remote call
- Expose an API for the rest of the platform including the client-side
Interesting APIs and services:
- HTTP Client libraries:
- Jersey HTTP Client
- Apache HttpCore
- Google HTTP Client
- OAuth2ServiceProvider
- KeyValueStore
- TransientStore
Java Service
A service wrapper allows you to:
- Expose a native Nuxeo service
- Bring consistency
- Implement unit tests
- Leverage extension point system to configure calls to external service
- Access Existing Nuxeo Services through OAuth Service Providers registration and the Transient Store / Blob Store

Associated gains:
- Easier to use from the pure Java code (Listener, Enricher, etc.)
- Leverage extension point system
API Integration
Two options are possible:
- Automation API
- Automation Script or Automation Operation are exposed as part of the command API (RPC)
Enrichers and adapters
- Integrate result of calls to external service into existing Nuxeo API result
Event Driven approach
The idea is to trigger the call to the external service via an event

Possible Implementation
Native Nuxeo Integration
- Event Listener
- Synchronous or asynchronous Java class
- Work
- Asynchronous batch
- Computation
- Stream processing
Kafka Integration
Leverage nuxeo-stream
API or even directly Kafka API:
- Leverage events or messages published by Nuxeo in Kafka
- Deploy a Kafka Consumer/Producer:
- Only depends on Kafka API
- Read or write messages to communicate with Nuxeo
- Only depends on Kafka API
Code Sample for the Kafka Integration
You can check the nuxeo-external-service-sample
GitHub repository, which contains a sample code to manage communication between a Nuxeo Server and an external service using nuxeo-stream
Event and CallBack System
Define a model for Async / Callback system
Review complete flow based on how it currently works for AWS Lambda
Here are the possible approaches to integrate an external application inside Nuxeo UI on the front-end side:
- Direct JavaScript
- Custom JavaScript to call external API
- Custom Web components
- IFrame / Popup integration
Challenges to address:
- Authentication
- OAuth integration
- Handling errors and availability
- Async and Return code
- SSE, WebWorker..