
Nuxeo Shell Batch Mode

Updated: September 14, 2020

As said in the Overview section there are three modes to execute batch commands:

  1. Run commands from a file
  2. Run commands from standard input.
  3. Run commands specified on the command line - this is a convenient way to run a short list of commands.

Running Commands From a File

To run commands from a file you should use the -f parameter to specify a file containing commands when launching Nuxeo Shell.


java -cp nuxeo-shell.jar -f my_batch_file

Where my_batch_file is a file containing the commands to execute - each command on one line. Empty lines and lines begining with # are ignored. The # character can be use to add comments to a batch file.

Here is an example of a batch file:

# connect to local server using the Administrator account.
connect -u Administrator -p Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation

# we are now in the repository root. Go to /default-domain/workspaces
cd /default-domain/workspaces

# list the content of the workspaces root - as document UIDs
ls -uid

If you want to span a command on multiple lines (you may want this for improved readability in case of long commands) you can end the line with a character (make sure you don't have a space after ***). In that case the command will continue on the next line, and so on until no more line ending ** is found or the end of file is reached.


# connect to local server using the Administrator account.
connect -u Administrator -p Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation

# get all workspaces in the repository
query "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:primaryType='Workspace' \
      ORDER BY dc:title DESC"

Running Commands From Standard Input

If you want to run batch commands from the terminal standard input you can use the - option when launching the Nuxeo shell. The format of the commands is the same as the one described when running commands from a file.

Here is an example which will run the commands from my_batch_file file by using the Unix cat application and pipes:

cat my_batch_file | java -cp nuxeo-shell.jar -

Running Batch Commands from the Command Line

If you just run a few short commands you can specify them directly in the command line of the Nuxeo Shell.


java -cp nuxeo-shell.jar -e "connect -u Administrator -p Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/automation; ls"

Note that commands are separated using a semicolon character.


You cannot run that way commands that contains illegal characters and needs to be escaped.


You will find sample scripts in $NUXEO_HOME/client/scripts/.

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