Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

Participating to a Topic

Updated: April 27, 2020

To participate to a topic, you can add comments in it. The other users will be able to answer your comment.

Adding a Comment to a Topic

You must have at least editing permissions to add comments on a topic.

You can attach a file to your comment, that users will be able to download. The attached file of a comment cannot be modified or removed afterwards.

To add a comment to a topic:

  1. Click on the Topic tab of the topic.

    If the topic is empty, the form to add a comment is automatically displayed in the Topic tab.

  2. Click on the Add button to display the form to add a comment.
  3. Type the subject and the content of your comment.
  4. Attach a file to your comment (this is optional).
  5. Click on the Add button. The comment is displayed in the Topic tab.
    • If the topic is not moderated, the comment has the status "Published" and all the users with permissions to the forum can read it.
    • If the topic is moderated, the comment has the status "Waiting for approval" and is not available in the topic. A moderator is notified that you added a comment and he or she needs to approve it so that the comment becomes available for all forum users.
      If you are the moderator of the topic, your comment is automatically published.

Replying to a Comment

You must have at least editing permissions to reply to comments in a topic.

When a comment has been added, you can reply to it. The answer is inserted right after the comment it replies to.

To reply to a comment:

  1. In the Topic tab, click on the Reply link displayed top right corner of the comment you want to reply to. The reply form is displayed under the comment.
  2. Fill in the form.
  3. Click on the Add button. The reply is inserted after the comment it replies to.
    • If the topic is not moderated, the reply has the status "Published" and all the users with permissions to the forum can read it.
    • If the topic is moderated, the reply has the status "Waiting for approval" and is not available in the topic. A moderator is notified that you added a reply and he or she needs to approve it so that the reply is available for all forum users. If you are the moderator of the topic, your reply is automatically published.


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