Nuxeo Platform User Documentation


Updated: April 27, 2020

Collections are a folder-like document in which you can classify existing documents. Documents are not actually copied or moved into the collection, which only holds a link to the document in its original location.

It enables you to create your own organization of the content without duplicating content and having the size of the content growing uncontrollably.

The list of collections available to you is available from your Home, in the Collections tab.

Click on the collection title to go on the collection and see the list of the documents that are classified in it.

Click on a document to consult it. You are moved out of the collection to be displayed the document inside its original location.

Collecting Documents

You can classify any type of document in a collection. You just need to have Read access to the document to be able to collect it. Collecting a document doesn't give you more permissions on the document: your permissions are the one defined on the original parent of the document.

Documents can be collected:

  • Individually by clicking on the icon of the document
  • By batch by selecting documents from their parent and clicking on the Add to collection button
  • From the collection itself by clicking the icon  and searching the documents to collect

In the first two cases you can select the collection by:

  • Browsing the collections in the list
  • Starting to type the collection name and select it
  • Typing a new collection name to create it.

The Collection list shows all the collection you have access to, even collection in which you cannot collect documents. Collections you only have read access to are grayed.

The list of collections the document is available from is displayed on its Summary tab.

Creating Collections

Collections can be created in workspaces and folders.

There are two ways to create a collection:

  • Like any other document, using the New button: Just fill in the creation form and the collection is created in the current workspace / folder.
  • Directly from the "Add to collection" popup: collections about to be created are displayed with the icon , while existing collections have the icon . The collection is created  in your personal workspaces, in a My Collections folder.

Sharing a Collection

Sharing a collection means giving permissions to users on the collection. Collections created in the default domain in a shared workspace or folder are automatically shared to all the workspace or folder's users, following the rights inheritance principle.

Collections created in your personal workspace are private by default. You need to grant permissions to it if you want to share it. Granting permissions to a collection makes the collection available to users from their Home. The list of documents displayed inside the collection depends on the permissions of the user on each of the documents.

Beside the generic permissions, collection have a specific right, called "can collect". When you share a collection, you can choose to:

  • Give read access: By giving them Read permission, you enable users to see the collection in their Home and the documents inside it depending on their permissions on each document;
  • Enable users to add documents to the collection: By giving the permission "Can collect", you enable users to add documents to the collection and remove them;
  • Give edit access: By giving the Edit permission, you enable users to add documents to the collection, remove them and to edit the collection;
  • Make them manager for the collection: By giving them Manage everything permission, you enable users to manage the content of the collection and who can access it.

Removing Documents from a Collection

To remove a document from a collection, either click on the icon  of the collection from the Summary tab of the document, or select the document in the collection the checkboxes and click on the Remove from collection button.

In both ways the document is immediately removed from the collection.


Favorites is a particular collection that enables you to bookmark documents. The list of documents bookmarked as favorites is available:

  • From your personal workspace in the Favorites collection
  • From your dashboard in a My Favorites widget

Bookmarking documents in your favorites can be done like when you add documents to a collection (see previous sections) and selecting the Favorites collection, or using the icon from the document itself.



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