Log Entry

Updated: December 19, 2019

Representation of a Log Entry.

Resource Representation

  "entity-type": "logEntry",
  "id": long,
  "category": string,
  "principalName": string,
  "comment": string,
  "docLifeCycle": string,
  "docPath": string,
  "docType": string,
  "docUUID": string,
  "eventId": string,
  "repositoryId": string,
  "eventDate": datetime,
  "logDate": datetime,
  "extended": object,
  "contextParameters": object
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name. Value: the fixed string "logEntry".
id long The log entry id.
category string The log entry category id.
principalName string The log entry user.
comment string The log entry comment.
docLifeCycle string The log entry related document life cycle state.
docPath string The log entry related document path.
docType string The log entry related document type.
docUUID string The log entry relted document id.
eventId string The log entry event id.
repositoryId string The log entry repository name.
eventDate datetime The log entry event date (ISO 8601 date-time).
logDate datetime The log entry insertion date (ISO 8601 date-time).
extended object A collection of key-value pairs of extended information.
contextParameters object A collection of key-value pairs filled by enabled enrichers. Optional

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