Data Model

Updated: December 19, 2019

Introspection of the facets, schemas and document types contributed to the Nuxeo Server.

Get All Facets

GET /config/facets

Response Body

If successful, returns a collection of facet entities containing all the facets contributed to the Nuxeo Server.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.

Get a Facet

GET /config/facets/FACET_NAME

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
FACET_NAME string The facet name.

Response Body

If successful, returns a facet entity representing the facet with the given FACET_NAME path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 204 Not Found - Facet with the given FACET_NAME path parameter not found.

Get All Schemas

GET /config/schemas

Response Body

If successful, returns a collection of schema entities containing all the schemas contributed to the Nuxeo Server.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.

Get a Schema

GET /config/schemas/SCHEMA_NAME

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
SCHEMA_NAME string The schema name.

Response Body

If successful, returns a schema entity representing the schema with the given SCHEMA_NAME path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 204 Not Found - Schema with the given SCHEMA_NAME path parameter not found.

Get All Document Types

GET /config/types

Response Body

If successful, returns a collection of document type entities containing all the document types contributed to the Nuxeo Server.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.

Get a Document Type

GET /config/types/DOC_TYPE

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
DOC_TYPE string The document type name.

Response Body

If successful, returns a document type entity representing the document type with the given DOC_TYPE path parameter.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK - Success.
  • 204 Not Found - Document type with the given DOC_TYPE path parameter not found.

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