
Updated: December 19, 2019

Representation of a Document.

Resource Representation

  "entity-type": "document",
  "repository": string,
  "uid": string,
  "path": string,
  "type": string,
  "state": string,
  "parentRef": string,
  "isCheckedOut": boolean,
  "isVersion": boolean,
  "isProxy": boolean,
  "proxyTargetId": string,
  "versionableId": string,
  "changeToken": string,
  "isTrashed": boolean,
  "title": string,
  "versionLabel": string,
  "lockOwner": string,
  "lockCreated": string,
  "lastModified": datetime,
  "properties": object,
  "facets": [
  "contextParameters": object
Property Name Value Description Notes
entity-type string The entity type name. Value: the fixed string "document".
repository string The document repository name.
uid string The document id.
path string The document path.
type string The document type.
state string The document life cyle state.
parentRef string The document parent id.
isCheckedOut boolean Whether the document is checked out.
isVersion boolean Whether the document is a version.
isProxy boolean Whether the document is a proxy.
proxyTargetId string The proxy source document id. Optional
versionableId string The document version series id. Optional
changeToken string The document current change token.
isTrashed boolean Whether the document is trashed.
title string The document title.
versionLabel string The document version label. Optional
lockOwner string The lock owner. Optional
lockCreated datetime The lock creation date (ISO 8601 date-time). Optional
lastModified datetime The last time the document was modified (ISO 8601 date-time). Uses dc:modified.
properties object A collection of key-value pairs of document properties. Optional
facets[] list The document facets. Optional
contextParameters object A collection of key-value pairs filled by enabled enrichers. Optional

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