Marketplace Add-Ons

Kerberos Authentication

Updated: April 27, 2020

The Kerberos Authentication add-on allows your users to log in to the Nuxeo Platform by authenticating to a Kerberos server (eg. Active Directory).


Before You Begin...

You should have the following ready:

  • a working Kerberos configuration
  • a keytab file
  • a Kerberos principal

If not, see the Using Kerberos documentation for the initial setup.

Upgrade Notes

If you are upgrading from a version of the package lower than 1.3.0 (i.e. from Nuxeo 5.x), remove the option from your nuxeo.conf: it is now automatically added by the package.


Add the following options in your nuxeo.conf:

  • kerberos.principal=_your kerberos principal_
  • kerberos.keytab=_/path/to/your/kerberos.keytab_


Note: You must have configured the Kerberos setup in nuxeo.conf before installing the package. Otherwise package installation will fail.

This addon requires no specific installation steps. It can be installed like any other package from the Marketplace or from the Admin tab.

If you use the Admin Center, you will have to restart the server twice due to NXP-15592.


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