Marketplace Add-Ons

Customizing DAM Compat Bulk Edit

Updated: April 27, 2020

On the same principle as the default bulk edit of the Nuxeo Platform, the DAM Compat module offers a bulk edit form that allows to edit several assets at the same time, with a form adapted to assets relevant metadata.

Customizing the Bulk Edit Form

The default bulk edit form is based on a layout called [email protected]. To change it you just need to override the default one by your own [email protected] layout to display your own widgets.

Default DAM bulk edit layout

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
  <layout name="[email protected]">
      <template mode="any">/layouts/layout_bulkedit_template.xhtml</template>

The widgets used in the [email protected] layout should not have the property required set to true. If the widgets you want to use have this property, redefine them in the layout without the required property.

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