Marketplace Add-Ons

Faceted Search

Updated: April 27, 2020

This addon is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform 6.0 and has been replaced by the Search tab.

The Faceted search add-on provides a way to browse the whole document repository using visual filters on metadata.


Faceted search requires no specific installation steps. It can be installed like any other package from the Marketplace or from the Admin Center.

After it is installed, users have a new tab with the icon in the left pane.


The faceted search is configured to work in conjunction with a content view. This section describes the document type and layouts used in the default faceted search.

Saved Faceted Searches

The saved searches are stored in the personal workspace of the user who saved the search.

The folder where the searches are stored can be configured through an extension point on the FacetedSearchService :

<extension target=""

   <rootSavedSearchesTitle>Saved Searches</rootSavedSearchesTitle>


We will see how to contribute a new faceted search with the default faceted search in Nuxeo DM as an example.

Content Views Contribution

A faceted search is just a content view with the FACETED_SEARCH flag set.

When defining the content view for your faceted search, you'll end up defining the CoreQueryPageProvider that will be the definition of the query done to retrieve the documents matching your criteria.

To register your content view as a faceted search, don't forget to add the correct flag in the contribution:


To understand all the parameters of the contribution, have a look at: Content Views

The key attributes are:

  • docType: defines which document type to use to populate the values in the query.
  • searchLayout: defines which layout will be rendered for this faceted search.

Here is the whole contribution of the content view used for the default faceted search in Nuxeo DM:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.ContentViewService"

  <contentView name="faceted_search_default">

      <property name="coreSession">#{documentManager}</property>
      <whereClause docType="FacetedSearchDefault">
          ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation' AND
          ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInFacetedSearch' AND ecm:isVersion = 0
          AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted'
        <predicate parameter="ecm:fulltext" operator="FULLTEXT">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="ecm_fulltext" />
        <predicate parameter="dc:created" operator="BETWEEN">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_created_min" />
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_created_max" />
        <predicate parameter="dc:modified" operator="BETWEEN">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_modified_min" />
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_modified_max" />
        <predicate parameter="dc:creator" operator="IN">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_creator" />
        <predicate parameter="dc:coverage" operator="STARTSWITH">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_coverage" />
        <predicate parameter="dc:subjects" operator="STARTSWITH">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="dc_subjects" />
        <predicate parameter="ecm:path" operator="STARTSWITH">
          <field schema="faceted_search_default" name="ecm_path" />
      <sort column="dc:title" ascending="true" />

    <searchLayout name="faceted_search_default" />


      <layout name="document_virtual_navigation_listing_ajax"
        title="document_listing" translateTitle="true"
        iconPath="/icons/document_listing_icon.png" />

    <actions category="CURRENT_SELECTION_LIST" />



Schema and Document Type Contribution

As seen in the content view we just defined, we need a document type, FacetedSearchDefault. To be a correct document type used in a faceted search, it must extend the FacetedSearch document type.

According to the predicates set in the content view, we need to add a schema to the new document type to handle each predicate.

Schema definition

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""

  <xs:include schemaLocation="base.xsd" />

  <xs:element name="ecm_fulltext" type="xs:string" />
  <xs:element name="dc_creator" type="nxs:stringList" />
  <xs:element name="dc_created_min" type="xs:date" />
  <xs:element name="dc_created_max" type="xs:date" />
  <xs:element name="dc_modified_min" type="xs:date" />
  <xs:element name="dc_modified_max" type="xs:date" />

  <xs:element name="dc_coverage" type="nxs:stringList" />
  <xs:element name="dc_subjects" type="nxs:stringList"/>

  <xs:element name="ecm_path" type="nxs:stringList"/>


Document Type and Schema registration

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="schema">
  <schema name="faceted_search_default" src="schemas/faceted_search_default.xsd" prefix="fsd"/>

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="doctype">

  <doctype name="FacetedSearchDefault" extends="FacetedSearch">
    <schema name="faceted_search_default"/>
    <facet name="HiddenInFacetedSearch"/>


Search Layout Contribution

The search layout is just a standard layout. It's the layout that will be used in the left tab to display all the widgets that will perform the search.

Define your widgets and map them to the right field on your newly created schema. For instance, for a filter on the dc:creator property, the widget looks like:

<widget name="people_search" type="faceted_search_wrapper">
    <label mode="any"></label>
    <widget name="dc_creator" type="faceted_search_users_suggestion">
        <label mode="any">label.dublincore.creator</label>
      <properties widgetMode="any">
        <property name="userSuggestionSearchType">USER_TYPE</property>
        <property name="displayHorizontally">false</property>
        <property name="hideSearchTypeText">true</property>
        <property name="displayHelpLabel">false</property>

Then you just need to create the layout referenced in the content view:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"

  <layout name="faceted_search_default">
      <template mode="any">/layouts/layout_faceted_search_template.xhtml

Do not forget to update the searchLayout attribute of the content view if you change the layout name.

Available Widgets Types

Here are the widgets types defined in the Faceted Search module. You can reuse them in your own faceted search contribution. You can also use all the existing widget already defined in Nuxeo.

You can have a look on GitHub to see how the widgets are used in the default faceted search.

If you depend on Nuxeo DM, you can use some widgets directly without redefining them (for instance, the ones that do not depend on a metadata property)


This widget is used to wrap other subwidgets. It displays the widget label, and list the subwidgets below according to the wrapperMode. The subwidgets can use three wrapper modes (to be defined in the subwidget properties):

  • row: the subwidget label is displayed on one row, and the subwidget content on another row.
  • column: the subwidget label and content are displayed on the same row (default mode if not specified).
  • noLabel: the subwidget label is not displayed at all.

For instance, here is the definition of the Text search part:

<widget name="text_search" type="faceted_search_wrapper">
    <label mode="any"></label>
    <widget name="ecm_fulltext" type="text">
        <label mode="any"></label>
      <properties widgetMode="edit">
        <property name="wrapperMode">row</property>


Widget used to search on a date range.

<widget name="dc_modified" type="date_range">
    <label mode="any">label.dublincore.modificationDate</label>
  <properties widgetMode="edit">
    <property name="styleClass">dataInputTextDate</property>


Widget allowing to search and select one or more users with a suggestion box.

<widget name="dc_creator" type="faceted_search_users_suggestion">
    <label mode="any">label.dublincore.creator</label>
  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="userSuggestionSearchType">USER_TYPE</property>
    <property name="displayHorizontally">false</property>
    <property name="hideSearchTypeText">true</property>
    <property name="displayHelpLabel">false</property>


Widget displaying all the registered faceted searches. Hidden in case only one faceted search is registered.

<widget name="faceted_searches_selector"
    <!-- not shown in edit and view modes -->
    <mode value="view">hidden</mode>
    <mode value="edit">hidden</mode>

In this sample, the widget is hidden in view and edit mode, so that the widget is not displayed when you are on the Summary or Edit tab of a saved search.


Widget displaying all the saved faceted searches. It displays two categories:

  • Your searches: your saved faceted searches.
  • All searches: all the other users shared saved faceted searches.

The outcome property needs to be defined: on which JSF view should we redirect after selecting a saved search.

<widget name="saved_faceted_searches_selector"
    <!-- not shown in edit and view modes -->
    <mode value="view">hidden</mode>
    <mode value="edit">hidden</mode>
  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="outcome">faceted_search_results</property>


Widget allowing to select one or more values from a tree constructed from the directory tree specified in the directoryTreeName property.

<widget name="dc_coverage" type="faceted_search_directory_tree">
    <label mode="any"></label>
  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="directoryTreeName">byCoverageNavigation</property>
    <property name="wrapperMode">noLabel</property>


Widget allowing to select one or more values from a tree constructed from the navigation tree.

<widget name="ecm_path" type="faceted_search_path_tree">
    <label mode="any"></label>
  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="wrapperMode">noLabel</property>


This widget is only defined in the nuxeo-platform-faceted-search-dm module.

<widget name="actions_bar" type="template">
  <properties widgetMode="any">
    <property name="template">
    <!-- not shown in edit and view modes -->
    <mode value="view">hidden</mode>
    <mode value="edit">hidden</mode>

You can use directly the widget in your custom search layout:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
  <layout name  ="faceted_search_default">
      <template mode="any">/layouts/layout_faceted_search_template.xhtml

You probably want at least one action bar in your layout to perform the search.


Related pages in this documentation

Layouts and Widgets (Forms, Listings, Grids)

Related pages in other documentations

Faceted Search

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