Installation and Administration

nuxeoctl and Control Panel Usage

Updated: April 27, 2020

The nuxeoctl script is located in the bin folder of your Nuxeo installation. It enables various options and commands (explained in details below). For MS Windows users, its equivalent is the nuxeoctl.bat script.

nuxeoctl Usage

Here is the Shell/Batch script usage:

nuxeoctl <command> [options] [--] [command parameters]

Issue "nuxeoctl help" to print this information.

  • Options and command parameters between square brackets are optional.
  • The values separated by "|" are choices ("|" means "exclusive or").
  • You can use multiple options at once but only one command.
  • Commands may need to be prefixed with -- to separate them from options when confusion arises.

See the Environment variables page for setting Nuxeo Home and Configuration paths.


Option Description
--accept=true|false|yes|no|ask (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Accept, refuse or ask confirmation for all changes (default: ask) --accept=true also sets --relax=true (i.e. non interactive mode)
-d --debug (Since Nuxeo 5.5) Activate debug messages. See '-dc' option.
-dc <arg> (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Comma separated root categories for 'debug' option (default: "org.nuxeo.launcher").
--debug-launcher(Since Nuxeo 5.9.4) Linux-only. Activate Java debugging mode on the Launcher.
--gui=true|false|yes|no (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Use graphical user interface (default is true on Windows and false on other platforms)
-h --help Show detailed help
--json (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Output JSON for mp-commands
--nodeps (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Ignore package dependencies and constraints (old behavior)
-q --quiet (Since Nuxeo 5.5) Activate quiet mode.
--relax=true|false|yes|no|ask (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Allow relax constraint on current platform (default: ask)
--xml (Since Nuxeo 5.6) Output XML for mp-commands
--clid(Since Nuxeo 6.0) Use the provided instance CLID file
--ignore-missing(Since Nuxeo 6.0) Ignore unknown packages on mp-add/install/set commands


Command Description
help Print this message.
gui (Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6: use --gui option instead) Use graphical user interface. On Linux/Mac OS X, default is in headless/console mode. On Windows, the --gui=true option is activated by default.
nogui (Deprecated since Nuxeo 5.6: use --gui option instead) Windows only. This option deactivates the gui option which is set by default under Windows.
start Start Nuxeo server in background, waiting for effective start. Useful for batch executions requiring the server being immediately available after the script returned. Note: On Windows, the start command launches the Control Panel.
stop Stop any Nuxeo server started with the same nuxeo.conf file.
restart Restart Nuxeo server.
configure Configure Nuxeo server with parameters from nuxeo.conf.
wizard Enable the wizard (force the wizard to be played again in case the wizard configuration has already been done).
console Start Nuxeo server in a console mode. Ctrl+C will stop it.
status Print server status (running or not).
startbg Start Nuxeo server in background, without waiting for effective start. Useful for starting Nuxeo as a service.
restartbg Restart Nuxeo server with a call to startbg after stop.
pack Build a static archive (the "pack" Shell script is deprecated).
showconf Display the instance configuration.
mp-list List local Marketplace packages.
mp-listall List all Marketplace packages (requires a registered instance).
mp-init Pre-cache Marketplace packages locally available in the distribution.
mp-update Update cache of Marketplace packages list.
mp-add Add Marketplace package(s) to local cache. You must provide the package file(s), name(s) or ID(s) as parameter.
mp-install Run Marketplace package installation. It is automatically called at startup if installAfterRestart.log file exists in data directory. Else you must provide the package file(s), name(s) or ID(s) as parameter.
mp-uninstall Uninstall Marketplace package(s). You must provide the package name(s) or ID(s) as parameter (see "mp-list" command). If uninstalling a package by its ID and other versions of the same package are available, the most up-to-date will be installed instead.
mp-remove Remove Marketplace package(s). You must provide the package name(s) or ID(s) as parameter (see "mp-list" command).
mp-reset Reset all packages to DOWNLOADED state. May be useful after a manual server upgrade.
mp-set (Since Nuxeo 5.9.2) Installs a list of Marketplace packages and removes those not in the list.
mp-purge Uninstall and remove all packages from the local cache.
mp-hotfix Install all the available hotfixes for the current platform (requires a registered instance).
mp-upgrade Get all the available upgrades for the Marketplace packages currently installed (requires a registered instance).
mp-show(Since Nuxeo 5.7.1) Show Marketplace package(s) information. You must provide the package file(s), name(s) or ID(s) as parameter.
Most mp-* commands will have different behavior if the instance is registered or not (they need an authenticated access to the private Marketplace channels). If the server has no access to Internet, mp-* commands will only use packages available in the local cache. If using a Marketplace package not compliant with the current platform, you will have to relax the constraint on current platform (see --relax option). Be very careful since that can lead to install other packages not designed for your current Nuxeo version unless you perform a unitary install (see --nodeps option).
### Additional Parameters All parameters following a command which accepts no parameter are passed to the Java process when executing the command. That can be used for specific installs on which you rely on server specific parameters. ## Java Usage Launcher can be run as a Java command, without using the Shell (nuxeoctl) or Batch (nuxeoctl.bat) script. The equivalent Java command to Shell command is printed at startup. See the line starting with "Launcher command:". It can be reused for writing your own scripts. Here is the Java usage: java ["JVM options"] [-Dnuxeo.home="/path/to/nuxeo"] [-Dnuxeo.conf="/path/to/nuxeo.conf"] \ [-Djvmcheck=nofail] -jar "path/to/nuxeo-launcher.jar" \ [options] <command> [command parameters] ### Java Options
Option Description Parameters for the server JVM (default are -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m).
nuxeo.home Nuxeo server root path (default is parent of called script).
nuxeo.conf Path to nuxeo.conf file (default is $NUXEO_HOME/bin/nuxeo.conf).
jvmcheck If equals to "nofail", will continue execution even if JVM does not fit requirements, else will exit.
gui Launcher with a graphical user interface. On Linux/Mac OS X, default is in headless/console mode. On Windows, the gui option is activated by default.


See the nuxeoctl commands.

Additional Parameters

See the nuxeoctl additional parameters.

Exit Code Values

Exit code values are following the Linux Standard Base Core Specification 4.1.

If the status command was requested, nuxeoctl will return the following exit status codes:

0 program is running or service is OK
3 program is not running
4 program or service status is unknown

In case of an error while processing any action except for status, nuxeoctl shall print an error message and exit with a non-zero status code:

1 generic or unspecified error
2 invalid or excess argument(s)
3 unimplemented feature
4 user had insufficient privilege
5 program is not installed
6 program is not configured
7 program is not running


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