Installation and Administration

Installing the Nuxeo Platform on Linux

Updated: April 27, 2020

On Linux, you can install the Nuxeo Platform using the packages below:

  • the ZIP archive,
  • the Virtual Machine image,
  • the Debian package.

Checking Requirements

The only requirement to run the Nuxeo Platform is to have Java 7 or Java 8 (also called Java 1.7 and Java 1.8) installed. You need a Java Development Kit (JDK) to develop on the platform, but a JRE is enough to just run it.

Check out the Hardware and Software Requirements for detailed steps to check your Java version and install it.

Installing the Nuxeo Platform from the ZIP Archive

Installing the Nuxeo Platform using the ZIP archive installs the Nuxeo Platform only. External dependencies must be installed separately.

To install the Nuxeo Platform ZIP archive: Unzip the .zip archive using your favorite tool.

What's next? You want to evaluate the platform? You can now start the server. You want to do a complete installation, compatible for a production environment? You should now prepare your environment.

Installing a Nuxeo Virtual Machine Image

Installing the Nuxeo Platform from the APT Repository for Debian and Ubuntu

Installing the Nuxeo Platform using the APT sources for Debian and Ubuntu installs and configures the platform, but it also installs all required dependencies for an optimal use of the platform.

You can either install the Nuxeo Platform using the OS graphical user interface or from the terminal.

You will need to know two things first:

  • the codename of your distribution (eg trusty for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
  • which kind of Nuxeo release you want to install (Long Term Support, Fast Track or SNAPSHOT; see the page Nuxeo Release Cycle for more details).

For the examples below, let's say you are using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ("trusty") and want to install the Nuxeo latest LTS release (from the "releases" APT repository; for Fast Track you would replace "releases" with "fasttracks").

Installing from the APT Sources Using the Graphical User Interface

This requires X11.

  1. Edit the "Software sources": using the Unity Dash, running gksudo software-properties-gtk, or browsing the System/Administration/Software Sources Gnome 2 menu.
  2. Download the Nuxeo key and import it in the "Authentication" tab.
  3. Add the Nuxeo APT repository: on the "Other Software" tab, add deb trusty releases to the sources. (if you're using another version of Ubuntu, replace trusty by the adequate name, for instance raring for Ubuntu 13.04)
  4. Click on that link to install Nuxeo: apt://nuxeo.
  5. Follow the instructions displayed. If it's your first install, you can configure:
    1. the bind address,
    2. the port,
    3. the database (a preconfigured PostgreSQL database is suggested by default). The platform is installed as a service. It is automatically started and set to automatically start at boot.
  6. Open a browser and type the URL http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/. The startup wizard is displayed so you can setup your Nuxeo platform and select the module you want to install.

Installing from the APT Sources from the Terminal

  1. Import the Nuxeo key.

    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add the Nuxeo APT repository.

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) releases"

    If you don't have add-apt-repository, which is a non-standard command, issue the following commands:

    sudo echo "deb [](  $(lsb_release -cs) releases" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nuxeo.list

  3. Update your APT cache.

    sudo apt-get update
  4. Install the Nuxeo Platform.

    sudo apt-get install nuxeo
  5. Follow the instructions displayed. If it's your first install, you can configure:

    • the bind address
    • the port
    • the database (a preconfigured PostgreSQL database is suggested by default).

    The platform is installed as a service. It is automatically started and set to automatically start at boot.

  6. Open a browser and type the URL http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/. The startup wizard is displayed so you can setup your Nuxeo platform and select the module you want to install.

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