Installation and Administration

Adding Custom Templates

Updated: April 27, 2020

The "custom" template folder allows you to add customization such as using multiple databases, configuring services, etc.

  1. Add your own template files in templates/custom directory. You can use either existing or new parameters in these new template files.
  2. From the Admin tab or by manually editing the nuxeo.conf file, set your parameters' values and set nuxeo.templates=custom. You can refer to custom templates directory with a relative path or to your own custom templates directory with an absolute path.
  3. Edit custom/nuxeo.defaults and set nuxeo.template.includes parameter to define the list of existing templates to include (comma separated values); your custom template will be used at last. nuxeo.defaults files from included templates are also read.

In case you need multiple customizations, create multiple directories and reference them in a dedicated nuxeo.conf for each server.

The following properties cannot be configured from a configuration template (in nuxeo.defaults) and must be defined in nuxeo.conf:

  • nuxeo.log.dir
  • nuxeo.tmp.dir


Other Documentation About Templates

Configuration Templates Connecting Nuxeo to the Database


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