Nuxeo Platform User Documentation

User Settings

Updated: April 27, 2020


Nuxeo Web UI provides several themes to change the look and feel of the UI. For the moment, they mostly provide color schemes applied to UI elements and a background image for some themes.

The available themes are:

  • Default
  • Dark
  • Kawaii
  • Light

To change your theme:

  • Go to User Settings menu > Themes.
  • Click on APPLY next to the theme that you want to try.

Your theme is saved browser-side, which means that if you use another browser you will have the default theme.

Sign Out

To log out from your instance:

  • Go to User Settings menu
  • Click on Sign Out The login page is displayed.

UI Language

Web UI uses the browser's language. If the language that you have defined in your browser is not available in Web UI, it falls back on English.

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