Nuxeo Platform User Documentation


Updated: April 27, 2020

Favorites is a particular collection that enables you to bookmark documents.

The list of documents bookmarked as favorites is available:

  • On the dashboard in the Favorite Item widget
  • On the Favorites Tab in the side menu

Bookmarking documents in your favorites can be done like when you add documents to a collection and selecting the Favorites collection, or using the Favorites icon  from the document itself.

Once the document is added to your favorites, it will be available in the dashboard and in the Favorites tab.

Your Favorites are saved browser-side, which means that if you use another browser you will lost your favorites.

To remove a document from Favorites, you can:

  • Click on the delete icon  next to it in the Favorites tab
  • Or, unselect the Favorites icon from the document itself

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