Web UI Framework


Updated: April 27, 2020

The theme is in charge of the global layout or structure of a page (composition of the header, footer, left menu, main area...), as well as its branding or styling using CSS. It also handles additional resources like JavaScript files.


If you already understand theme concepts, maybe you'd like to check Theme and Style How-Tos.

The theme system separates the page layout from the page branding. The page layout is still defined using XML, but the branding uses traditional CSS files. These files can now hold dynamic configuration to handle flavors, but they can also be simply defined as static resources like JS files (as in a standard web application). For theme customizations done on the previous theme system, we encourage you to migrate your custom theme to the new system as it will ease maintenance and further upgrades.


Online Style Guide

An online UI Style Guide is available to help you design your pages, customize and style them.

Page Layout

The layout for the different theme pages is defined in an XML file with the following structure.

For instance, the default galaxy theme is defined in file themes/document-management.xml. It represents the structure displayed when navigating in the Document Management tab of the application (the galaxy name has been kept for compatibility).

<theme name="galaxy" template-engines="jsf-facelets">
    <page name="default" class="documentManagement">
      <section class="nxHeader">
        <cell class="logo">
          <!-- logo -->
          <fragment type="generic fragment"/>
  <properties element="page[1]/section[2]/cell[2]/fragment[2]">
    <widget element="page[1]|page[2]|page[3]">
      <view>page frame</view>
    <widget element="page[1]/section[1]/cell[1]/fragment[1]">
      <view>Nuxeo DM logo (Galaxy Theme)</view>

It is possible to add a class attribute to the <page>, <section>, <cell> and <fragment> elements. They will be part of the generated stylesheet.

This structure is declared to the theme service using the following extension point:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.services.ThemeService" point="themes">

The file referenced by the tag is looked up in the generated JAR.

Views referenced in this layout still need to be defined in separate extension points. For instance here is the logo contribution:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.services.ThemeService" point="views">
  <view name="Nuxeo DM logo (Galaxy Theme)" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

The global application settings still need to be defined on the "applications" extension point:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.services.ThemeService" point="applications">
  <application root="${org.nuxeo.ecm.contextPath}"
    <!-- Cache control for theme resources (/nxthemes-lib/) -->
    <!-- Cache control for theme styles (/nxthemes-css/) -->
    <view id="/editor_link_search_document.xhtml">

In the above example, you can see that the galaxy/default page is the default page of the application. Other pages like galaxy/popup can also be explicitly set for some specific views.


CSS configuration used to be held by the same XML file than the one defining the pages structures. This was a problem for modularity, as some add-ons needed to add styling to existing pages without changing the global structure of the page.

Extension points have been added to allow style contributions separately from the structure.The notion of flavor makes it possible to switch some elements held by the branding (colors, logo...) without changing the associated styles: the local configuration makes it possible to change this flavor so that branding can be customized when navigating in some parts of the document hierarchy.

The pages Extension Point

Each theme page needs to have a themePage contribution to the pages extension point: this is the main link between the page structure and its branding. Here is an example of the galaxy theme default page:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="pages">
  <themePage name="galaxy/default">

  • <defaultFlavor> refers to the default flavor used for the page. See below for flavor definition.
  • <flavors> refers to the different flavors available for this page in the Theme local configuration.
  • <styles> refers to the dynamic CSS stylesheets that will be embedded in this page. See below for styles definition.
  • <resources> refers to static resources (CSS stylesheet that do not use variables, and JavaScript file). See below for resources definition.

Style order is important!

The theme engine will actually concatenate all the stylesheets defined in the <styles> element, in the order of their declaration, to build one big stylesheet named myCustomTheme-styles.css. So if you need to override a CSS class existing in one of the Nuxeo stylesheets, for example .nxHeader .logo in header.css, you will have to do this in a custom stylesheet declared after the Nuxeo one. For example my_custom_styles should come after header.

The styles Extension Point

Each dynamic CSS stylesheet embedded in a theme page needs to have a style contribution to the styles extension point. Here is an example of some of the basic stylesheet contributions:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="styles">
  <!-- Global styles -->
  <style name="breadcrumb">
  <style name="buttons_and_actions">
  <style name="basics">
  <style name="body">

The files referenced by the tags are looked up in the generated JAR.

Here is an excerpt of the "buttons_and_actions" CSS file:

a.button { text-decoration: none }

.major, input.major {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #0080B0;
    border: 1px solid #014C68;
    color: #fff;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000 }

input.button[disabled=disabled], input.button[disabled=disabled]:hover,
input.button[disabled], input.button[disabled]:hover {
    background: none "button.disabled (__FLAVOR__ background)";
    border: 1px solid; border-color: "button.disabled (__FLAVOR__ border)";
    color: "link.disabled (__FLAVOR__ color)";
    cursor: default;
    visibility: hidden }

It can mix standard CSS content, and also hold variables that can change depending on the selected flavor (see below).

The flavor Extension Point

Each flavor needs to have a flavor contribution to the flavors extension point. Here is an example of the default flavor:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="flavors">
  <flavor name="default">
      <presets category="border" src="themes/palettes/default-borders.properties" />
      <presets category="background" src="themes/palettes/default-backgrounds.properties" />
      <presets category="font" src="themes/palettes/default-fonts.properties" />
      <presets category="color" src="themes/palettes/default-colors.properties" />

  • <presets> contributions define a list of CSS property presets, as it was already the case in the old system. They represent variables that can be reused in several places in the CSS file. For example in themes/palettes/default-borders.propertieswe can define:


    A preset can be referenced in a dynamic CSS file, using the pattern preset_name (__FLAVOR__ preset_category).

    .button:hover, input.button:hover {
      background: none "color.major.medium (__FLAVOR__ background)";
      border: 1px solid; border-color: "button.hover (__FLAVOR__ border)" }
  • <label> and <palettePreview> are used to display the flavor in the Theme local configuration.

  • <logo> is used to customize the default logo view logo_DM_galaxy.xhtml.

Theme Static Resources

JS and CSS static files (i.e. that don't need to be configured with flavors) should be defined as static resources, using the resources extension point as it was the case in the old system.

Note that dynamic CSS files are parsed, and this parsing may not accept CSS properties that are not standard (like CSS3 properties for instance). Placing these properties in static resources is a workaround for this problem if you do not need to make them reference flavors.

Here are sample contributions to this extension point:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="resources">
  <resource name="static_styles.css">
  <resource name="jquery.fancybox.js">

Note that the resource name must end by ".css" for CSS files, and ".js" for JavaScript files.

The files referenced by the "path" tags are looked up in the generated WAR directory (nuxeo.war) after deployment, so you should make sure the OSGI-INF/deployment-fragment.xml file of your module copies the files from the JAR there.


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