Web UI Framework

How to Impact Another JSF Component from a Command or Select

Updated: April 27, 2020

When designing a screen or form, you may want to render a part of the page when clicking on a link or when choosing an element in a select. This page explains how this can be done in a XHTML template.


This page describes how to do so without having to define a Seam component, keeping the contextual information. This is better for reuse of templates (like in widgets) within the same page, as you do not have to define a new Seam component for every context variable on the page.

The context variable is kept by a nxu:valueHolder tag, which also exposes the corresponding value in the context.

Two examples are given:

  • impact a given component with a static value
  • impact a given component with a value taken on another component

Impacting with a Static Value

Use Case

When i click on a button, another element should be hidden (or shown).

Available Helper

The Seam Component selectionActions has a method named setStaticValue that will retrieve attributes named selectedValue and targetComponentId from its originating tag. It will lookup the corresponding component in the tree and set the value given by the selectedValue attribute (which can also be an EL expression).

Sample Template Excerpt




 <a4j:outputPanel id="showContentHolderPanel">
    <nxu:valueHolder id="showContentHolder"

      <h:commandButton rendered="#{not showContent}" value="Show">
        <f:attribute name="selectedValue" value="true" />
        <f:attribute name="targetComponentId" value="showContentHolder" />
        <nxu:actionListenerMethod value="#{selectionActions.setStaticValue}"/>
        <f:ajax execute="@this" render="showContentHolderPanel" />
      <h:commandButton rendered="#{showContent}" value="Hide">
        <f:attribute name="selectedValue" value="false" />
        <f:attribute name="targetComponentId" value="showContentHolder" />
        <nxu:actionListenerMethod value="#{selectionActions.setStaticValue}"/>
        <f:ajax execute="@this" render="showContentHolderPanel" />

      <c:if test="#{showContent}">
        My content






Impacting with a Value Taken on Another Component

Use Case

When i select an element in a drop down list, another element should be displayed depending on the selected value.

Available Helper

The Seam Component selectionActions has a method named setValueFromComponent that will retrieve attributes named sourceComponentId and targetComponentId from its originating tag. It will lookup the corresponding source component in the tree, retrieve its current value, and set this value to the corresponding target component.

Sample Template Excerpt

This is an excerpt of the widget template displaying additional information about a selected flavor in local configuration:

  <nxu:set var="flavors"
    <h:selectOneListbox id="#{widget.id}" value="#{field}">
        var="flavor" value="#{flavors}"
        itemValue="#{flavor.name}" itemLabel="#{messages[flavor.label]}" />
      <f:attribute name="sourceComponentId" value="#{widget.id}" />
      <f:attribute name="targetComponentId" value="#{widget.id}_valueHolder" />
      <f:ajax execute="@this" render="#{widget.id}_preview"
        id="#{widget.id}_ajax_select" />
  <h:message for="#{widget.id}" id="#{widget.id}_message"
    styleClass="errorMessage" />

<nxu:valueHolder id="#{widget.id}_valueHolder"
  <a4j:outputPanel id="#{widget.id}_preview" layout="block">
    <nxu:set var="selectedFlavor"
        <c:when test="#{! empty selectedFlavor.logo.previewPath}">
          <h:graphicImage value="#{selectedFlavor.logo.previewPath}" class="palettePreviewLogo" />
            <c:when test="#{! empty selectedFlavor.logo.path}">
              <h:graphicImage value="#{selectedFlavor.logo.path}" class="palettePreviewLogo" />

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