Digital Asset Management

Upload & Store

Bulk Upload

On Docdil Platform, different features are available to let you upload and/or create your assets in every possible way.

From Docdil platform

Drag and Drop

You can use drag and drop to easily import documents into a workspace or just to create one document at a time. It enables you to quickly drag and drop documents in the workspace that you want.

You can also drag and drop a file directly in the file view in order to replace the already uploaded file.

Import Button

You can also drag and drop one or more files of any type from the Import tab of the creation popup.

From this Import button you will be able to import with properties, which means fill in metadata of the document(s) before they are created in the workspace.

From Docdil Drive

Docdil Drive is a Docdil addon that enables the synchronization of folders or workspaces from the Docdil Platform with local folder on your computer.

You can very easily import document by moving them from a desktop folder to a Docdil Drive folder, or creating office files directly in a Docdil Drive folder.

Read the Docdil Drive documentation for more information.


Connect with Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive

Docdil Live Connect allows you to create a content application that handles cloud files (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive...) as if they were local files. Files remain in the cloud but they are referenced in the Docdil repository as if they were stored within it. This allows the user to benefit from thumbnailing service, full text, conversions, etc.

Read the Docdil Live Connect documentation for more information.

Automated Metadata Extraction

The Docdil Platform enables to extract information from the uploaded files attached to a document and automatically fill in the document metadata at creation time. This enables you to leverage metadata existing outside the Docdil Platform to automatically categorize documents, preventing users from editing document to report these metadata. Automated metadata extraction is activated by default on Docdil DAM: The IPTC legend, copyright and source are used to automatically fill in the description, rights and source metadata of pictures.

Read the Binary Metadata documentation for more information.

Supported File Formats

The Platform Digital Asset Management module supports a large number of file formats. For example:

  • Picture: JPG, PNG, GIF, PSD, AI, etc.
  • Video: avi, mp4, WMV, etc.
  • Audio: mp3, wav, etc.
  • Office: PDF, Open Office, Microsoft Office, etc.

See the full list of supported formats on the dedicated documentation page.