Web UI

HOWTO: Insert a New Tab

Updated: April 27, 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a new tab to your custom document type. This tab will help you to find other contracts created for the same contract owner. To do so, we'll be using a custom page provider linked to the Contract document type.


  • A Contract document type created in Modeler
  • Web UI addon installed on your instance
  • View Designer enabled on your Studio project

Once you are all set, you can navigate to Modeler to start creating your search.

Create a Page Provider

  1. In Customization, go to Page Providers, click on New and name it otherContracts.
  2. In the Query filter add the following line AND ecm:primaryType='Contract'. This will enable to only search contract documents.
    You should end up with something like this:

    ecm:mixinType != 'HiddenInNavigation' AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0 AND ecm:currentLifeCycleState != 'deleted' AND ecm:primaryType='Contract'

Now we will add aggregates to customize the search.

The search by owner of the contract:

  1. Add another new Predicates
  2. Click on Edit binding and select schema:contract > owner

The search by date range:

  1. Next to Aggregates click on Add A popup window appears.
  2. Fill the popup window like this:
    Field dc:created
    Date Ranges
    • Label: Last year From: now-1y To: now-1M
    • Label: Last month From: now-1M To: now-7d
    • Label: Last week From: now-7d To: now-24H
    • Label: Last 24h From: now-24H To: now

You can now save your changes and go to the Designer.

Create a Listing

Go to the Designer:

  1. Click on UI > Tabs
  2. Hover over the Create button and select the Listing type
  3. Name it other-contracts.
  4. Fill in the creation form like this:
  5. Fill in the Element & Attributes section like this:
  6. Fill in the Filters section like this:
    1. Current user has one of the permissions: Edit
    2. Current document has one of the types: Contract
  7. Save your changes.

You can now deploy your project on your instance and see what it looks like!

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All fields required