Nuxeo Add-Ons

Nuxeo Connect Report Tools Web

Updated: April 27, 2020

Nuxeo Connect Report Tools Web is a Nuxeo addon that provides a graphical interface to use the nuxeoctl command connect-report. This command is available by default in the Nuxeo Platform and enables you to gather information that can be useful to understand the environment in which a bug or a problem can be reproduced.


This addon requires no specific installation steps. It can be installed like any other package with nuxeoctl command line or from the Update Center.

Functional Overview

The nuxeoctl connect-report command and the Nuxeo Command Report Tools Web user interface gather information about your Nuxeo Platform server in a JSON file, so that you can easily forward this information to the Nuxeo support team.

The concatenated information include:

  • Information about your server version
  • The list of Nuxeo Packages on your server
  • Environment information via JVM MBeans
  • Information about your server configuration (templates, etc.)
  • The list of contributions deployed on your server

As an administrator, go to http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/site/connect-tools/ and follow the instructions displayed.

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