
Log into Nuxeo Platform

Updated: April 27, 2020

Starting from here, you will use the Nuxeo JavaScript Client. Two authentication methods are supported by the JS client:

  • basic authentication: login and password are sent with a base64 encoding.
  • token authentication: a basic authentication is performed to obtain a token, then further calls make use of the token.

Basic Authentication

Authenticating using Nuxeo JS client:

  • Instantiate a Nuxeo class.
  • Set a baseURL property, unless you connect to your localhost.
  • Add an auth object into it, passing it the authentication method, username and password.


    var nuxeo = new Nuxeo({
     baseUrl: 'http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo',
     auth: {
       method: 'basic',
       username: 'Administrator',
       password: 'Administrator'

Practice - Basic Authentication Using Nuxeo JS Client

  1. Download basicAuthentication.js or open in another tab to copy and paste.
  2. Create a Nuxeo object in the nuxeo variable.
  3. Referring to the Nuxeo JS client documentation, modify the code to authenticate against your Nuxeo local instance using the basic authentication method. If you haven't changed it, the default login/password is Administrator/Administrator.
  4. When your code is ready, test it by uncommenting the assertResult() method and running the code in a terminal:
    $ node basicAuthentication.js

  • Basic Authentication - Solution

    // Be sure to replace "NUXEO_SERVER" with your own Nuxeo Server URL.
                const Nuxeo = require('nuxeo');
                var nuxeo = new Nuxeo({
                  baseURL: 'http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo/',
                  auth: {
                    method: 'basic',
                    username: 'Administrator',
                    password: 'Administrator'
                function assertResult() {
                    if(!nuxeo) {
                    console.log("The nuxeo variable is not set. Please create the client object in the Nuxeo variable.");
                    return false;
                  var isNuxeo = nuxeo.constructor === Nuxeo;
                  if(!isNuxeo) {
                      console.log("The nuxeo variable is not a Nuxeo object. Please create the client object in the Nuxeo variable.");
                    return false;
                  if(!nuxeo._auth || !nuxeo._auth.method) {
                    console.log("You need to provide an authentication method.");
                    return false;
                  if(!nuxeo._auth || nuxeo._auth.method != "basic") {
                    console.log("Incorrect authentication method.");
                    return false;
                function checkCredentials() {
                  nuxeo.login().then(function(user) {
                    console.log("You are logged in. Congratulations, you\'ve successfully completed this exercise.");
                  }).catch(function(error) {
                    console.log("You either supplied a wrong login/password, URL or CORS configuration.");
                    console.log("Authentication failed.");
                    throw error;

Token Authentication

Token authentication using the JS client is much safer.

  1. Instantiate a Nuxeo client, using basic authentication.
     var tmpNuxeoClient = new Nuxeo({
      baseUrl: 'http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo',
      auth: {
        method: 'basic',
        username: 'Administrator',
        password: 'Administrator'
    If successful, the Nuxeo Platform creates a token (access key) which is used in further calls to authenticate instead of sending credentials.
  2. Obtain a token. Each parameter is a string used to identify the token in Nuxeo Platform's interface.
     tmpNuxeoClient.requestAuthenticationToken(applicationName, uniqueDeviceId, deviceDescription, permission)
  3. Instantiate another Nuxeo client, this time using token authentication.
     var nuxeo = new Nuxeo({
      baseUrl: 'http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo',
      auth: {
        method: 'token',
        token: tokenVariable

If you need to prevent a user from logging in using this token, it can be destroyed any time from Nuxeo Platform's interface. Go to HOME > Nuxeo Drive. All available tokens should be listed under Authentication Tokens. Once destroyed, it cannot be used again.

For security purposes, you should avoid defining the first client using the basic authentication in the global scope, and place it in a function call instead. You will be able to see a sample in the exercise below.

Practice - Token Authentication Using the JS Client

  1. Download tokenAuthentication.js or open in another tab to copy and paste.
  2. Store your Nuxeo Server URL in the baseURL variable.
  3. Update getClientWithTokenFor method with your credentials.
  4. Create a Nuxeo client using basic authentication in the tmpNuxeoClient variable.
  5. Use requestAuthenticationToken method to obtain a token.
  6. Create a Nuxeo client using token authentication.
  7. When your code is ready, test it by uncommenting the assertResult() method and running the code in a terminal:
    $ node tokenAuthentication.js

  • Token Authentication - Solution

    // Be sure to replace "NUXEO_SERVER" with your own Nuxeo Server URL.
                var baseURL = 'http://NUXEO_SERVER/nuxeo';
                const Nuxeo = require('nuxeo');
                var nuxeo;
                getClientWithTokenFor(baseURL, 'Administrator', 'Administrator');
                function getClientWithTokenFor(baseURL, username, password) {
                  var tmpNuxeoClient = new Nuxeo({
                    baseURL: baseURL,
                    auth: {
                      method: 'basic',
                      username: username,
                      password: password
                  var uniqueDeviceId = 'id' + (new Date()).getTime();
                  tmpNuxeoClient.requestAuthenticationToken('learning-rest-api', uniqueDeviceId, 'REST API exercise browser', 'rw')
                    .then(function(token) {
                      nuxeo = new Nuxeo({
                        baseURL: baseURL,
                        auth: {
                          method: 'token',
                          token: token
                    .catch(function(error) {
                      throw error;
                function assertResult() {
                  if (!nuxeo) {
                    console.log("The nuxeo variable is not set. Please create the client object in the nuxeo variable.");
                    return false;
                  var isNuxeo = nuxeo.constructor === Nuxeo;
                  if (!isNuxeo) {
                    console.log("The nuxeo variable is not a Nuxeo object. Please create the client object in the Nuxeo variable.");
                    return false;
                  if (!nuxeo._auth || !nuxeo._auth.method) {
                    console.log("You must provide an authentication method.");
                    return false;
                  if (!nuxeo._auth || nuxeo._auth.method != "token") {
                    console.log("Incorrect authentication method.");
                    return false;
                function checkCredentials() {
                  nuxeo.login().then(function(user) {
                    console.log("You are logged in. Congratulations, you\'ve successfully completed this exercise.");
                  }).catch(function(error) {
                    console.log("You either supplied a wrong login/password, URL or CORS configuration.");
                    console.log("Authentication failed.");
                    throw error;

Learn More

Authentication and User Management documentation

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